New Wordpress does not load media


Viewed 736 times


I am developing a theme in wp 4.4.2 and when trying to upload a photo to highlighted image of a post (thumbnails) I get the following screen: Subindo Imagem para thumbnail

I put a square in red on the Oader that appears only to illustrate that it’s not working.

To work in my theme do I need to make some special configuration? in the other patterns themes that comes works normally.

  • 1

    Henry, this is some problem in the code of your theme. Try uploading a media with the firebug (Firefox) console or Chrome native and see if there are any error messages in the response to the ajax call. If you have it and you can’t fix it put here.

  • Felipe Elia, what would it be like to climb a mile through the island? It’s the first time I hear this, could you explain to me how you do it?

  • 1

    Climb normally, just follow the progress of the request through the console

  • I managed to climb normally, no errors in the console, and when I try to upload the image or attach an image highlights from the editing page of a post has that screen that I printed.

  • I found the error friend :) was in my functions.php had an html comment before opening php.

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