What are the {} tags in the middle of html


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On a web page with extension .html cannot use tags php right?

But I saw some pages html type codes {CONTEUDO} that displays a defined text in a file php '$tpl->CONTEUDO = "texto"'. But I don’t understand exactly the use of these tags { } to show something of php, you can display a variable or a constant in this way?

Php code:


$tpl = new Template("html/template.html");

//-- Google ****
$tpl->PG_TITLE = "Rações Catarinense";
$tpl->PG_DESCRIPTION = "Rações Catarinense ";
$tpl->PG_KEYWORDS = "Rações Catarinense ";
$tpl->PG_CANONICAL = "http://www." . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/";
//-- Google ****
// Adicionando mais um arquivo HTML
$tpl->addFile("CONTEUDO", "html/produto.html");

$tpl->CSS = "produto";
$tpl->ATIVO_home = 'class="ativo"';

$tpl->PAGINA_ATIVA = "produto-body";

On the product page.html these attributes are displayed like this '{PAGINA_ATIVA}'

  • 1

    Only with this it is a little complicated answer can be a template defined by the user or even the CI ... if you have the complete code facilitates.

  • This is most likely the use of templates, for example, Mustache, or else Lightcandy.

  • I couldn’t understand it properly, but it seems that on the php page is used a class '$tpl = new Template("html/template.html");' and it defines the class attributes in the php file, in the html file they show these attributes using these tags { }

  • 1

    you have this code you can add to the question? example of the IC

  • What I’m looking for and I don’t think is if I can use these tags to display variables or constants in html. That is, if there is something way to display php inside a file . html

  • No, html files are not processed by PHP, it can happen from this markup({TITULO}) be replaced by a php file with str_replace() for example, this can also be done with javascript with some differences.

  • Related: http://answall.com/q/81607/101

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2 answers


This is a template. Probably another page is making a include with this page and making replace in content that has keys for the variable value.


Actually, php can also be written with . tpl files.

tpl is more like a Smarty File, where it serves as a command transitor, and they (PHP commands) can be called in tpl.html through {php} comandos {/php} for example

To make the call at the beginning of Header, you use {include file='arquivoX.tpl' p="index"}

You really can’t call PHP commands straight from . html because it would not pass the interpreter that generates the page, so to work it should be used or files . php <?php ?> or . tpl {php} {/php}

You can show us this page code to try to understand better?

  • 1

    I edited the question :)

  • 1

    I’ve seen this kind of tpl file, but I’ve never seen a website made that way. I found it very strange that he has a product.php file and a product.html and so with all pages, like why not put html together with php?

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