You doubt with Fluentnhibernate mapping?


Viewed 272 times


I am trying to create a scheme to define permissions on my system and these permissions are given to the user profile, where one can choose what each profile is authorized to do on each module. For this I created some tables and I am in doubt of how to map between them, mainly in the permissions part.

In Java I do the mapping on the entities themselves and in Nhibernate I’m new so I still don’t understand the concept of how to do the mapping. My question is between relating the entity Profile/Module and Permission. In case I created an entity only for Permissao where it makes the relationship of Profile(Hasone) and Module(Hasmany), this is correct ?

Note: When setting the permissions for the profile, I want to display all the modules in a Datagridview with checkbox checkbox options (insert, change, search, print) and so set the permissions of each module in the table permissoes.

What’s the best way to do it ?



public class Perfil {

        public virtual int id { set; get; }
        public virtual string descricao { set; get; }

        public Perfil() {


public class Modulo {

        public virtual int id { set; get; }
        public virtual string nome { set; get; }
        public virtual string descricao { set; get; }

        public Modulo() {

        public Modulo(string nome, string descricao) {
            this.nome = nome;
            this.descricao = descricao;



 public class Permissao {

    public virtual int id { set; get; }
    public virtual Perfil perfil { set; get; }
    public virtual IList<Modulo> modulos { set; get; }
    public virtual int inserir { set; get; }
    public virtual int alterar { set; get; }
    public virtual int pesquisar { set; get; }
    public virtual int imprimir { set; get; }

    public Permissao() {
        modulos = new List<Modulo>();




public class PerfilMap : ClassMap<Perfil>{

        public PerfilMap() {
            Id(p =>;
            Map(p => p.descricao).Unique().Not.Nullable();



public class ModuloMap : ClassMap<Modulo>{

        public ModuloMap() {
            Id(m =>;
            Map(m => m.nome).Unique().Not.Nullable();
            Map(m => m.descricao).Not.Nullable();



public class PermissaoMap : ClassMap<Permissao>{

        public PermissaoMap() {
            Id(p =>;
            Map(p => p.inserir).CustomType<int>();
            Map(p => p.alterar).CustomType<int>();
            Map(p => p.pesquisar).CustomType<int>();
            Map(p => p.imprimir).CustomType<int>();
            HasOne(p => p.perfil);
            HasMany(p => p.modulos).LazyLoad();



inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I don’t understand! What’s your question? Is something going wrong? Is your question about modeling? Explain it better!

  • @Fernando My question is whether my mapping is right according to my model. See that table permissoes eh composed in it I get the id of the perfil and the ids of modulo and tbm set the permissions by module. The way I did the mapping is right ?

1 answer


This answer is not intended to solve the problem, but rather to point out flaws and suggest possible alternatives.

Possible problems/failures

Based on your clarifications in the comments, your model is wrong in relation to your database, because in your model Permissoes you have:

public virtual IList<Modulo> modulos { set; get; }

And in the database in the table Permissoes you have the relationship field with Modelos as a whole(INT):

modelos_id : INT

How you would store a list of table references Modulo in a column of the type INT?


If I were to model your case, I would make the table Permissoes a relationship between the Perfil and the Modulo specifying permissions for this relation:

id : INT | perfil_id: INT | modulo_id : INT | insert: INT (0 = false, 1 = true) | update: INT (0 = false, 1 = true) | search: INT (0 = false, 1 = true) | print: INT (0 = false, 1 = true)

Getting very similar to what it was before.

And on the model I’d switch to:

public class Permissao {

    public virtual int id { set; get; }
    public virtual Perfil perfil { set; get; }
    public virtual Modulo modulo { set; get; }
    public virtual bool inserir { set; get; }
    public virtual bool alterar { set; get; }
    public virtual bool pesquisar { set; get; }
    public virtual bool imprimir { set; get; }

    public Permissao() {


And the mapping something like this:

public class PermissaoMap : ClassMap<Permissao>{

    public PermissaoMap() {
        Id(p =>;
        Map(p => p.inserir);
        Map(p => p.alterar);
        Map(p => p.pesquisar);
        Map(p => p.imprimir);
        References(p => p.perfil);
        References(p => p.modulo);


Would also create a unique index between the columns perfil_id and modulo_id, making it not allowed to add more than one permission to the Perfil related to Modulo.

To illustrate how to get permissions by Perfil we could have a similar consultation to this:

int idPerfil = 1;

// Em lambda expression
IList<Permissao> permissoesPerfilLambda = Session.QueryOver<Permissao>()
    .Where(t => == idPerfil)

// Em LINQ
IList<Permissao> permissoesPerfilLinq = (from permissao in Session.Query<Permissao>()
                                            where == idPerfil
                                            select permissao).ToList();

// Em SQL nativo
SELECT * FROM permissoes p WHERE p.perfil_id == 1;
  • I agree with your tip, I was doing just like that. But I changed the model because I want to display the modules along with the permissions so that the user can check the permissions as desired according to the module in a Datagridview. As in this image:

  • 1

    @Fernandopaiva, you can not just change the model, has no logic your model with the database. To create an image-like view, you can have a Permissions list in the class Perfil (it is not necessary to have the permissions list in the class Perfil, because you could make this query separately on the specific screen where the data is requested). In the way that it is already possible to do this, as the example query I demonstrated at the end of my reply. You get permissions per profile, display in Datagrid, and apply changes when saving.

  • I understand your proposal, how I had modeled it before. But as I said I can not do as I would like in the example of the image I showed you. But thank you very much for the help.

  • @Fernandopaiva, do it! Only not automatically, on the profile screen, you should have 2 queries, one that searches the Profile data and the other that searches the profile permissions, and also have 2 saving processes, one for the Profile and the other for permissions. I don’t know if you understand the possibility?

  • 1

    yes, I understood. But I want to do it so that it is automatically DataGridView.DataSource I can return all the modules(screens) together with the permissions possible and link everything with the selected profile in a Profile Combobox and then save everything. I’m trying to come up with a modeling logic here so I can get the result.

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