Call a specific function as you choose from the menu


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I need to make a program that simulates a bank ATM in C++, presenting a menu that has Deposit, Withdrawal and Payment of Tickets. How am I going to do that? I’ve done the following:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

bool ValidaNumeroAgencia (int agencia)
    if (agencia >= 100 && agencia <= 999)
        return true;
        return false;
bool ValidaNumeroConta_Corrente (int conta)
    if (conta >= 10000 && conta <= 99999)
        return true;
        return false;
float Deposito (float credito)
    float novo_valor;
    novo_valor = 500 + credito;
    return novo_valor;
int Saque (int debito, int saldo)
    if (debito <= saldo)
        if (debito % 10)
            return debito;
bool ValidaClienteEspecial (int saldo, int limite)
    int n_limite;
    if (saldo >= 10000 && ValidaClienteEspecial == false)
        n_limite = limite + 5000;
        return true;
        cout << "Seu novo limite e de: " << n_limite << endl;
float Codigo_barras(int codigo, float valor, int saldo)
    float n_saldo;
    if (codigo >= 100000000000 && codigo <= 999999999999)
        if (valor <= saldo)
            n_saldo = saldo - valor;
            return n_saldo;
float Saldo (float saldo)
        cout << "Seu saldo e de:\n" "R$ " << saldo << endl;

int main ()
    int n_agencia, n_conta_corrente, n, a;


        cout << "Digite o Numero da sua Conta Corrente: ";
        cin >> n_conta_corrente;
    while (ValidaNumeroConta_Corrente(n_conta_corrente) == false);

        cout << "Digite o Numero da sua Agencia: ";
        cin >> n_agencia;
    while (ValidaNumeroAgencia(n_agencia) == false);

    cout << "\n\nSelecione qual opcao deseja realizar: ";
    cout << "\n1 - Deposito";
    cout << "\n2 - Saque";
    cout << "\n3 - Pagamento de Boletos";
    cout << "\n4 - Extrato";
    cout << "\n0 - Sair\n";
 return 0;

My question is, what will I do for the program to call the functions according to what the user choose in the menu? How can I continue the code above?

  • 1

    Give more details. What have you done? Where specifically is your question?

  • I have already created some functions such as asking and validating the current account, the number of the user agency, etc... I printed a simple menu, look here: Cout << " n nSelect which option you want to perform: "; Cout << " n1 - Deposit"; Cout << " N2 - Withdrawal"; Cout << " N3 - Billet payment"; Cout << " N4 - Extract"; Cout << " N0 - Exit n"; And now I’m trying to do by switch to call each of the functions, but I’m not getting... Gives a tip ai pfv, q I can do. Thank you.

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    Edit the question by adding this code and where the doubt is. This makes it easier to help.

  • How do I put the code here in the comments? It is pq I entered the site has little time... kkk

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    Edit your question. Click Editar below the question.

  • 1

    I’ve already edited... Help???

  • Check the range of values you can represent with an int. In the case of 32 bits the range is: -2.147.483.648 to 2.147.483.647. You set the code variable to int and test: if (code >= 100000000000 && code <= 999999999999999).

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1 answer


You can solve this basically with a switch:

cout << "\n\nSelecione qual opcao deseja realizar: ";
cout << "\n1 - Deposito";
cout << "\n2 - Saque";
cout << "\n3 - Pagamento de Boletos";
cout << "\n4 - Extrato";
cout << "\n0 - Sair\n";

int opcao;

// Repete até que o usuário peça para sair.
while (opcao != 5)
    std::cin >> opcao;

    switch (opcao)
        case 1:
            // Pedo ao usuário a quantidade que será depositada.
            // E depois chama a função de deposito:
            // Exemplo:
            // Deposito(1000);
        case 2:
            // Pedo ao usuário a quantidade que será sacada.
            // E chama a função:
            // Saque(1000);
        case 3:
            // Pede os valores do boleto e chama a função Codigo_barras.
        case 4:
            // Chama a função para mostrar o extrato.
        case 5:
            // Usuário quer sair.
            // Se o usuário informar um valor inválido.
            std::cout << "Opcao invalida! Informe outro valor." << std::endl;

Just one observation: It has some functions of its that do not always return a value. For example:

int Saque (int debito, int saldo)
    if (debito <= saldo)
        if (debito % 10)
            return debito;

If the debito <= saldo for false what the function Saque will you return? Gives a fix on this, so that the functions always return expected values.

  • Thank you very much, man! Vlw msm...

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