I have a project in Cakephp that is in version 1.3.15 and the manual says it is compatible with PHP 4 and 5. The hosting server is PHP 5.3.3. I wonder if it is really compatible with PHP 5.6.
I have a project in Cakephp that is in version 1.3.15 and the manual says it is compatible with PHP 4 and 5. The hosting server is PHP 5.3.3. I wonder if it is really compatible with PHP 5.6.
According to the official documentation, version 1.3 requires only the PHP version >= 4.3.2
, that is, is compatible.
With Daniel commented, do a prior check on a test environment, check the behavior of all modules/extensions, both PHP and Cakephp.
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Yes, it is php 5.6 compatible. However, try it in a test environment before you put it in a production environment.
– Daniel Omine
Just one thing Fabricio, being php5.3 and a project on, maybe you can choose cakephp2 that is compatible with PHP5.2.8+ (http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/pt/installation.html)
– Guilherme Nascimento
Be advised you have N functions that have been deprecated, you may have to change some of them by others.
– rray