App quiz Angularjs does not appear when the page is online


Viewed 80 times


I have this app in Angularjs is a Quiz only when I put it online, I go up to the server, the application does not appear. Can anyone help me? Thank you.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="quizApp">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="app.js"></script>

  <div class="container">
    <h1 class="title">QuizApp</h1>



var app = angular.module('quizApp', []);

app.directive('quiz', function(quizFactory) {
    return {
        restrict: 'AE',
        scope: {},
        templateUrl: 'template.html',
        link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
            scope.start = function() {
       = 0;
                scope.quizOver = false;
                scope.inProgress = true;

            scope.reset = function() {
                scope.inProgress = false;
                scope.score = 0;

            scope.getQuestion = function() {
                var q = quizFactory.getQuestion(;
                if(q) {
                    scope.question = q.question;
                    scope.options = q.options;
                    scope.answer = q.answer;
                    scope.answerMode = true;
                } else {
                    scope.quizOver = true;

            scope.checkAnswer = function() {
                if(!$('input[name=answer]:checked').length) return;

                var ans = $('input[name=answer]:checked').val();

                if(ans == scope.options[scope.answer]) {
                    scope.correctAns = true;
                } else {
                    scope.correctAns = false;

                scope.answerMode = false;

            scope.nextQuestion = function() {


app.factory('quizFactory', function() {
    var questions = [
            question: "Which is the largest country in the world by population?",
            options: ["India", "USA", "China", "Russia"],
            answer: 2
            question: "When did the second world war end?",
            options: ["1945", "1939", "1944", "1942"],
            answer: 0
            question: "Which was the first country to issue paper currency?",
            options: ["USA", "France", "Italy", "China"],
            answer: 3
            question: "Which city hosted the 1996 Summer Olympics?",
            options: ["Atlanta", "Sydney", "Athens", "Beijing"],
            answer: 0
            question: "Who invented telephone?",
            options: ["Albert Einstein", "Alexander Graham Bell", "Isaac Newton", "Marie Curie"],
            answer: 1

    return {
        getQuestion: function(id) {
            if(id < questions.length) {
                return questions[id];
            } else {
                return false;


<div class="quiz-area" ng-show="inProgress">
    <div ng-show="!quizOver">
        <h2 id="question">{{question}}</h2>
        <ul id="options">
            <li ng-repeat="option in options">
                    <input type="radio" name="answer" value="{{option}}">
        <button ng-click="checkAnswer()" ng-show="answerMode">Submit</button>

        <div ng-show="!answerMode">
            <button ng-click="nextQuestion()" class="next-question">Next</button>
            <span ng-show="correctAns">That is correct!</span>
            <span ng-show="!correctAns">Sorry, that is an incorrect answer.</span>

    <div ng-show="quizOver">
        <h2>Quiz is over</h2>
        <button ng-click="reset()">Play again</button>

    <div id="score">
        Score: {{score}}

<div class="intro" ng-show="!inProgress">
    <p>Welcome to the QuizApp</p>
    <button id="startQuiz" ng-click="start()">Start the Quiz</button>
  • 1

    Does this server have a firewall or proxy? Note that you are loading the angular and Jquery by CDN.

1 answer


It makes no difference if you’re using CDN. The first question is: does your app work locally? The second question is: what kind of server? If it’s something like Heroku, you have to have a frontend server because Heroku won’t only serve HTML pages. For example, you can use a simple server that only serves static pages using Node.js (Express) or another language like Ruby or Python.

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