Get street address from latitude and longitude


Viewed 1,986 times


It is possible to recover the address of an avenue or street, only with latitude and longitude?

I know the reverse is possible, but I can find nothing like recovering the name of the avenue, neighborhood or city through latitude and longitude.

  • See:

  • It is interesting also you inform which programming language you are referring to so we can give a correct direction.

1 answer


Edvaldo, a very cool example of this application, you can check on: Convert Lat and Long to Address It uses a google maps API to perform the address search.

I hope it helps :)

  • 1

    Hello, Ivo. If you understand how the site you pointed out works, put code in your answer showing how it is done. After all, the author will probably want to know how it is done and not just whether it is possible. Even if it’s not his case, it’ll probably be that of other people who come here researching it.

  • Okay, Pablo. I’m at the beginning of my career at Stack. Thanks for the tip ;)

  • Very useful this solution

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