Fatal error: Uncaught Exception 'Pdoexception' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]'


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I need to generate a schedule for a certain period, but it’s making this mistake.

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception 'Pdoexception' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access Violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near '(day),data_agenda(Month),data_agenda(year)) VALUES('19:00:00','31','12','2016')' at line 1

$dataInicio = '2016-01-01';
                $intervalo = 60;

                do {
                    list( $ano, $mes, $dia ) = explode('-', $dataInicio);
                    $inicio = '07:00:00';
                    $final = '19:00:00';
                    do {
                        list($hora, $minuto, $segundo ) = explode(':', $inicio);
                        $sql = "INSERT INTO agenda (hora_agenda,data_agenda(day),data_agenda(month),data_agenda(year)) VALUES('$inicio','$dia','$mes','$ano')";
                        $inicio = date("H:i:s", mktime($hora, $minuto + $intervalo, $segundo, $mes, $dia, $ano));
                    } while ($inicio <= $final);
                    $dataInicio = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dia + 1, $ano));
                } while (date('Y') == date('Y', strtotime($dataInicio)));

                $dados = connection::exec($sql);
  • 1

    I don’t understand PHP, but putting the name of the variables in quotes will not end up sending the literal to the bank? Ex.: '$inicio' will send the literal $inicio instead of the variable value.

  • There are some things out of place, day(), month() and year() are functions to extract pieces of a date, which is the reason to save 3 times some value in the same column(data_agenda) ?

  • You need to explain what you want to do, to make the syntax work just remove day, month, year.

1 answer


day(), month() and year() are functions to extract specific pieces of a date and your call on the Insert is 'reversed' instead of data_agenda(day) sure would be day(data_agenda), but you save 3 different values in the same field

Minimum enough to work:

INSERT INTO agenda (hora_agenda,data_agenda, data_agenda,data_agenda) 

I believe its intention is (to write 3 values in 3 different fields):

INSERT INTO agenda (hora_agenda, dia_agenda, mes_agenda, ano_agenda) 

It is important to use Prepared statements to avoid sql injections and simplify the string a little by removing the simple quotes in the values.

Recommended reading:

Using PDO is the safest way to connect to a PHP BD?

  • It worked that way, but only recorded the last record in the database. Echo the query to see how the Insert is right.

  • @Eduehi the exec() what wheel the Insert is after the two whiles maybe should be inside.

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