Does user traffic imply monthly value?


Viewed 97 times


I published an application in Azure, created a resource group with a plan, which for example gave 50 dollars/month.

Is this value independent of access and traffic quantities? If 1000 or 100000 users access per day, will come the different value in the invoice?

2 answers


Directly the amount of users will not affect anything, what affects is the traffic generated by them. So if 1 user traffic 1GB is what will affect. If 100,000 users traffic 1KB each, these users will consume far less traffic than that single user. This will depend on the use that each user can make in their specific application, the security measures to prevent abuse (by attacks or excessive use), etc.

In general there is an average of traffic that each user usually does in a session (which is another thing to analyze, after all if the same user access several times it will probably generate more traffic than a user who accesses only once) can be determined by analyzing the logs access. It is possible to make estimates understanding the traffic pattern of each operation, the expected operations in each session and the number of sessions/users that should be used. Only real use will give a real notion.

How much is going to cost depends on your plan, but it will probably cost more. Even one of the attacks that is usually made is to generate fictitious traffic to, or that can, increase the bill of inexperienced programmers.

  • But both in the price calculator and in the time to create the resource group or assign to the application, at no time there is this information of value x amount of traffic. (or at least not found)

  • I don’t know how you used it, but you pay for used traffic.

  • Vlw @William provided the link in the answer below:


As @Maniero said the account is based on the amount of data traffic, not the amount of users, based on this you can check and estimate what will be the cost to be paid, the value is on this page here.

  • 1

    That was the page I needed, thank you, I gave the correct answer to @bigown, for answering the question, but your link helped me a lot.

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