<div class="list card" ng-repeat="x in content.spells">
<video width="320" height="240" ng-src="{{(getIdVideo(content.id) | trusted )}}" controls>
Seu navegador não suporta o elemento <code>video</code>.
$scope.getIdVideo = function(videoId){
videoId = videoId.toString();
for (var i=0; i<=4; i++){
if (videoId.length != 4){
//videoId = videoId.push('0');
videoId = "0"+videoId;
return 'http://cdn.leagueoflegends.com/champion-abilities/videos/mp4/'+videoId+'_02.mp4';
I call that function getIdVideo()
to return me a video according to the id passed as argument, the problem is that for each id I need to show 4 videos
varying, from 2 to 5, the number that comes after the "_" of the url below:
I thought I’d use the function to return the 4 url’s and then use one ng-repeat
to display the 4 different videos, but I couldn’t implement this. How can I solve my problem?
Using your code I got the videos, but is being shown some 12 videos (repeated 3 by 3) I think because of ng-repeat of the tag div. If I return an array with the 4 url’s instead of just one at a time and then use an ng-repeat in the video tag to scroll through the url’s resolve? I can even implement this in the function, but I don’t know how to do in the view.
– Bruno Brito
If you are returning 12 videos in the above code, with an ng-repeat in the <video> tag for 4 urls the same thing will happen. Ta returning 12 videos because there are 3 elements within your "Spells" array. If this is the case, it is correct to return the 12 videos, no? I’m not sure I understand what you intend to do. Post here the content of "content.Spells" and explain in a little more detail what you need.
– Alexandre Busarello