Div with other Divs inside


Viewed 431 times


I just want to make one div, as if it were a windows window, with title, body and a button bar at the end. But I don’t know why, depending on the size of the window, it "leaks" or is left over screen... I wanted the title and the bar to have fixed sizes, and the body to take the rest of the screen. Look at my code:

<div id='tela' class='tela'>
    <div id='tela_titulo' class='tela_titulo'>TITULO</div>
    <div id='tela_corpo' class='tela_corpo'>CorpoCorpo</div>
    <div id='tela_botao' class='tela_botao'>botao</div>

and the css:

  border:2px solid #ffec24;

  border:2px solid #000000;

  border:2px solid #000000;  

  border:2px solid #000000;  

But this way he’s throwing the bar out of the div.

2 answers


In fact this leak occurs because of the edges. In the way that the CSS works, each element has the height in percentage plus the size of the border. Example: the height of the .tela_titulo yeah, actually, 2px + 10% + 2px.

Next to that, you should consider that the 10% height may not be exactly what you need, because when the div is too small, the bar .tela_titulo will get minuscule.

My approach to this case:

  box-sizing: border-box;

  position: relative;
  width: 300px;
  height: 100px;

.tela div{
  border: 2px solid grey;

  width: 100%;
  height: 20px;
  background-color: navy;
  color: white;

  width: 100%;
  height: calc(100% - 40px);

  width: 100%;
  height: 20px;
  background-color: grey;
<div id='tela' class='tela'>
    <div id='tela_titulo' class='tela_titulo'>TITULO</div>
    <div id='tela_corpo' class='tela_corpo'>CorpoCorpo</div>
    <div id='tela_botao' class='tela_botao'>botao</div>

The estate box-sizing changes the way the browser calculates the element’s dimensions. Now, the border is within height and width - that is, avoids the problem of having height + border.

In the element .tela_corpo, used calc() to explicitly say: the height should be 100% least the size of the top and bottom bar (20 + 20).


Replace the height of .tela to 100%.

.tela {  
  border:2px solid #ffec24;
  • Valews bro, something so simple kk and I was picking up...!

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