Angularjs new value does not arrive in directive


Viewed 70 times


I have the following directive that builds a modal. Arquivo: login.component.js

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var app = angular.module('myapp');

    app.directive('loginComponent', ['loginService', function(loginService){
        return {
            templateUrl: 'app/components/login/login.html',
            restrict: 'E',
            replace: true,
            controller: 'homeCrotroller',
            link: function ($scope) {
                $scope.submit = function() {

                $scope.cancel = function() {
                    $scope.loggingIn = false;

                $scope.$watch('loggingIn', function() {                    
                    if ($scope.loggingIn) {


And the following controller. Arquivo: home.crotroller.js

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var app = angular.module('myapp');

    app.controller('homeCrotroller', ['$scope', function($scope){

        $scope.loggedIn = false;
        $scope.loggingIn = false;

        $scope.showLogin = function () {
            $scope.loggingIn = true;

        $scope.logout = function () {
            $scope.user = null;
            $scope.loggedIn = false;

        $scope.login = function () {
            $scope.loggingIn = false;
            $scope.loggedIn = true;



And in my view I call the function showLogin()

<a class="login" id="btn-login" href="javascript:void(0);" ng-click="showLogin()" title="Entrar">Entrar</a>

This function changes the value $scope.loggingIn for true, only that this value is not reaching directive. Only arrives the first status (when loading the screen) that is false

  • 2

    you already tried to add the property scope: true in its directive?

  • Can you post your html for me to see? I suspect your "Log in" button is outside your directive, so it may not have access to controller.

  • This is @Celsomtrindade, I haven’t tried! By default it’s no longer true? But I’ll try, with the result! Thanks.

  • Your mistake must be something simple, because your code seems ok.

  • The button has access to the controller, pq if I add an Alert for example in the function showLogin() by clicking the Alert is displayed!

  • If you value the loggingIn on Alert, what it displays after clicking?

  • Yes! It seems that the $scope.$watch is not watching the loggingIn changes.

  • A question... if you are using Directive only to give a show/Hide.. Why don’t you use an ng-if="" or ng-show instead of having a directive to replace the entire template and use the watch to check?

  • I will use this modal on various screens, and I will also consume a login service. You do not find it interesting to use the directive?

  • It is in this case will depend on your structure. The directive is the best use in this case yes.. But I refer to the following.. In your modal template, use a modal template ng-if="loggingIn" instead of working with $watch checking the value. See if it works

  • It makes sense @Celsomtrindade! I’ll do it.

  • 1

    Have you found a friend? If you can close the topic. Otherwise, try to put in the directive function, Scope: { loggingIn: '=' } and also do not forget to initialize in the directive element (<login-Component loggingIn="loggingIn"></login-Component>). And obviously loggingIn has to come from some controller, of course, not from the directive’s own controller.

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