Filename coming from a txt and files. Is there a difference in comparison?


Viewed 49 times


I created a list with 13 filenames, which I extracted using Getfilename(). Another list I broke a txt file and loaded these names into another list. So I have this:



I need to get the name of the Listfilename list and see if it exists within Listfilename. Both Contains and Equals, always returns different and I have the same names. Just to illustrate. I have that name on both lists:


Turns out the lambda I did says they’re different:

 var busca = listaCommiter.Where(l => !l.Contains(listaFarm.ToString()));

How do I only store what doesn’t really exist?

The complete code of this routine:

private List<string> ComparaArquivo()
            List<string> listaCommiter = new List<string>();
            List<string> listaFarm = new List<string>();
            List<string> listaDiferenca = new List<string>();

                listaCommiter = _listaCommiter();
                listaFarm = _listaFarm();

                var busca = listaCommiter.Where(l => !l.Contains(listaFarm.ToString()));                

                return listaDiferenca;
            catch(Exception ex)
                string r = ex.Message;
                return null;


The list in return listaDiferenca; is returning nothing because I’m still developing. It will return busca.

  • But you want to return only what you have in listaFarm and does not have in listaCommiter or anything that is not in both?

2 answers


Precisely for this case, use the Except:

var busca = listaCommiter.Except(listaFarm);

He will return in quest, all of listaCommiter that does not exist in the listaFarm.


To return only what you have in listaFarm but is not in listaCommiter, just reformulate your query:

var diferenca = listaCommiter.Where(l => !listaFarm.Contains(l));

You can also use the Enumerable.Except<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>)

var diferenca = listaCommiter.Except(listaFarm);

If you still only want what is common between the two, you can use the Enumerable.Intersect<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>)

var comum = listaCommiter.Intersect(listaFarm);

I hope I helped the/

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