How to record content in a classic Asp Session and move to a mvc page?


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How to record the checkbox in a session to be able to use it on another page ? It is possible ?

3 answers


In this link you can have all session usage documentation with Asp.

Follow a brief example:


I hope I’ve helped.


See the code below:

Default page.

<form method="post" method="sessao.asp">
    <input type="checkbox" name="ckb" value="1234"> Enviar o valor 1234 deste checkbox.<br>
    <input type="submit" value="Enviar">

Page sessionAsp.

'Recebe o valor do checkbox e atribui a sessão.
session("ckb") = request.form("ckb")


Only by complementing the responses there is another property of ASP called "Application" and it has basically the same function of "Session" or save a value globally, but the difference between them is that "Session" is applied only to a user and "Application" works for all users.


Response.Write Application("usuario") & " - " & Application("idade")

Applications W3school
MSDN Application and Sessions

  • helped a lot also, except that I saw here that the problem is another, I do not have the source of the project and it is mixed, a part in classical Asp and another in mvc, I need to pass the value of the checkbox to a page in mvc. Do you know how I can do that ? And I didn’t want to record it in the bank either.

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