Mysqli Cannot pass Parameter 2 by Ference


Viewed 1,227 times



I have the following code below:

$conexao = new mysqli('','root','','teste');
if(mysqli_connect_errno()) die(trigger_error(mysqli_connect_errno()));

$cadastrar  = $conexao->prepare("INSERT INTO cad_produtos VALUES(?,?,?,?)");     
$idCod = $cadastrar->insert_id;

The data type being (following the order): Int, Int, Varchar, Date.

But you are not registering.

  • There was no mistake?

  • Sorry Krismorte... we thought it was our mistake, but it’s not... we saw that there is no mistake... We checked if the nomenclature was right, number of fields, but nothing...

1 answer


bind_param() does not accept values as second argument, only references or variables, make the assignment of values in it and solved problem.

The error generated is:

Fatal error: Cannot pass Parameter 2 by Reference in


$cadastrar->bind_param('iiss', null, '111', '11', '2016-03-01');


$id = null;
$var = 111;
var2= 11;
$data= '2016-03-01';
$cadastrar->bind_param('iiss', $id, $var, $va2, $data);
  • Bingo rray... that’s right... thank you so much for your help...

  • 1

    @Jose.Marcos this is one of the differences from Mysqli to PDO, in the second it is possible to pass direct values.

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