Floating Button Over Text and Images


Viewed 1,491 times


Hello, recently I made a floating button of live-support, it works all right, moves along with the page and is fixed, however it, when moving along with the page, goes under texts and images, IE, it buggers.

I’ve tried adding in CSS Absolute, relative, Fixed and nothing.

In css is like this:

/* livezilla flutuante */
.botaotopo {
  position:fixed !important;
  float: right;
  display: inline;

1 answer


Solved problem, for those with the same problem I the solution is easy:

Just add to CSS:

z-index: 9;

In case the number "9" was used as reference, but you can put any number larger than any z-index inserted in the CSS.

  • There will come a time in your life when you will hate the property z-index, hahaha.

  • could you tell me why ? hahaha

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