What is the name of the bar menu that youtube, whatapp and other apps use?


Viewed 92 times


It is a menu where the options appear on the left side, just like in this image: I would just like to know the name of the menu to implement. I thank you already.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

and this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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  • 1

    If you also want to learn how to make your own: http://www.rafaeltoledo.net/criando-um-navigation-drawer-customizado-no-android/

  • this same vlw! puts in the answer that I select you as the correct answer.

2 answers


For starters, I suggest you read the documentation android official of how the implementation works.

If you are looking for a quick and easy implementation, I suggest using the library Material Drawer contained in this link. Just add in your build.gradle dependence:

compile('com.mikepenz:materialdrawer:5.0.9@aar') { transitive = true }

To use add to your Activity:

new DrawerBuilder().withActivity(this).build();

This way you don’t need to create menu layout and items manually, the library does it for you automatically. In the library link contains the instructions on how to use, but as I pointed out at the beginning of the reply, I suggest visiting the official documentation for you to learn how the menu is done.


this Navigation Drawer flame bar

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