Workbench for Postgresql


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Does anyone know of a Workbench for Postgresql? I need it because I don’t want to mess with postgres per command line.

  • 3

    Yes there are some options.

  • what is the best option?

4 answers



Jetbrains' Novissimo Datagrip, PAGA. 30 days free to test and fall in love. If you are already writing code in some IDE of the jetbrains Idea platform you will stay at home.

  • 1

    +1 I was unaware of this new tool from Jetbrains.

  • One detail: this tool is already embedded in most Jetbrains Ides, no need to install/buy Datagrip standalone. Just go to View > Windows Tools > Database

  • only in 'professional' versions in 'Comunity' versions is not available


  • It’s free or paid?

  • It has both versions, but if you can not download on their site look on another site to download. It is very, worth using.


I use linux and used Navicat with Wine... But it gave constant query errors, where it was necessary to open and close the program. Today a colleague pointed out to me the Dbeaver and I’m enjoying it VERY!

Besides the desktop version, there is a plugin for eclipse where you can run it there! :D

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