Select Union same table


Viewed 440 times


Could anyone help me with this problem? The query below throws the following error:

#1054 - Unknown column 'u.idocorrencia' in 'Where clause'

        (SELECT  o.*, u.nome AS requerente FROM ocorrencia o, utilizador u WHERE u.idutilizador = 2 AND perfil = 2)
        UNION ALL
    (SELECT  o1.*, u1.nome AS tecnico FROM utilizador u1, ocorrencia o1 WHERE u1.idutilizador != 2 AND u1.perfil = 1) 
    ) AS t WHERE u.idocorrencia = u1.idocorrencia and u.requerente <> u1.tecnico

The tables involved in the query are:

tabela utilizador (idutilizador, nome, perfil);

tabela ocorrencia (idocorrencia, ocorrencia, descricao);

tabela utilizador_ocorrencia (ocorrencia_id, utilizador_id);
  • What error? What do you expect to return with this query? Click [Edit] and add these details to the question.

  • #1054 - Unknown column 'u.idocorrencia' in 'Where clause'

  • I hope to resume the reputation | Subject | Description | Applicant | Technical

  • Note: applicant and technician are part of the user table

1 answer


You’re using a sub-query. From "as t", you can no longer refer to the alias "u" and "U1" of the sub-query, that is, of the internal tables. Maybe it would be better if you put the structure of the tables. But see if the query below can help you:

  SELECT distinct o.*, u.nome as requerente, u1.nome as tecnico 
  FROM ocorrencia o
  left join utilizador u  on (o.idocorrencia = u.idocorrencia)
  left join utilizador u1 on (o.idocorrencia = u1.idocorrencia)
  where ((u.idutilizador = 2 AND perfil = 2)
    or (u.idutilizador != 2 AND perfil = 1))
    AND u.nome <> u1.nome

or this :

select o.*, u.nome as requerente, u1.nome as tecnico
from ocorrencia o 
  inner join utilizador_ocorrencia uo on (o.idocorrencia = ocorrencia_id)
  left join utilizar u on (u.idutilizador = uo.utilizador_id and u.perfil = 2)
  left join utilizar u1 on (u1.idutilizador = uo.utilizador_id and u1.perfil = 1)
where u.idutilizador <> u1.idutilizador    
  • Good Eduardo, it didn’t work

  • Send the table structure.

  • I made a change in the query of the answer. Do another test there. If it does not work, send the structure of the tables so that we can help you.

  • Eduardo, you have posted two apparently identical answers. I suggest that you join them only in this and delete the other.

  • 1

    Done @Diegof. The answers had some differences, but you’re right to put it all together. Thanks!

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