Domain . com has more relevance than . Tk to google?


Viewed 902 times


I would like to know if a domain .com ( is more relevant than the domain .tk(www.example.Tk). Or this has no importance for Google?

  • I can’t ask that here?

  • I think your question is not related to programming. Note: I did not deny.

  • I can remove it if it doesn’t fit here

  • But since it has to do with websites I thought it might

  • I believe @rubStackOverflow is right, as the question does not refer to programming. I thought it important to answer why this myth exists until today and the answer may serve as reference for other people with the same doubt :)

  • 4

    @Amadeuantunes +1 because the question is interesting, however I voted to close because it does not seem to be the scope, however even closing it will still be published and earn points with it maybe and help other people, the closure is really just by being off-topic, however it may be that even voting she still keeps open "by the acceptance of the community as a good subject", because even if we have a scope yet yes some questions off are accepting "by the community". :)

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2 answers


No, it’s no longer relevant.

According to this post (in English) from one of Google’s quality search team engineers, this is a myth and the higher-level domain (TLD) has no relevance in the evaluation of the site or page.

However, if a search is made, for example, in Brazil, a TLD .br is more likely to appear in the top positions.

Here is a link that explains the ranking factors:

Google’s 200 Ranking Factors (in English)

  • 1

    Why the negative one? Help by commenting to help your colleague understand the reason, so it can help/solve/edit/improve/positive, or maybe you’re totally wrong!


In fact, domain extensions do not interfere at first with Google’s ranking. What counts is the age of the site, reputation, backlinks and especially the content.

However, . TK domains suffer a lot of spam and abuse. They are treated as "dirty" domains. Some time ago, Google penalized the entire TLD . TK .

Instead of using a . TK, it is recommended to use a or . The SEO level has much more effect.

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