Redirect ASP NET


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How can I redirect the page I find myself through an html inputButton on ASP NET WEB FORMS

the code of my button:

 <input id="ButtonD" style="width: 169px" type="button" value="D"  /><br />
  • pq tu não utiliza um <a /> ? ou um Asp:button, que tem o evento onClick. In the onClick event you would execute the code: Response.Redirect("url");

2 answers


You can assign a function

Assigning to Onclientclick Event to call a Javascript function on a asp:Button:

<asp:Button ID="ButtonD" runat="server" Text="Button" onclientclick='redirect()' />

Or in the input type="button":

<input id="ButtonD" style="width: 169px" onclick="redirect()" type="button" value="D"  /><br />


function redirect() {
  location.href = 'page.aspx';

You can also link by ID

jQuery(if it is input type="button"):

   location.href = 'page.aspx';

jQuery(if it is asp:Button):

$("#<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>").click(function(){
  location.href = 'page.aspx';

Reference: link SOEN



Response.Redirect("sua url destino");

In the Click button you created.

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