How to list the name of the files that are in the directory?


Viewed 907 times


The output of the following method is:

C: Users Desktop User files filename.jpg

How can I get just the filename.jpg in String format? I tried to use FileUtils but as a way out I got this:

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public static void getImgs(String path){
    File file = new File(path);
    File[] arquivos = file.listFiles();

    try {
        for (File arquivo : arquivos) {
    }catch (Exception e){
  • 4

    Already tried to print the file name? arquivo.getName(), arquivo.getCanonicalPath(), arquivo.getAbsolutePath()?

1 answer


When you use the System.out.println(arquivo); is actually printing the getPath().

follows the documentation

To print the name, try this way:

public static void getImgs(String path){
    File file = new File(path);
    File[] arquivos = file.listFiles();

    try {
        for (File arquivo : arquivos) {
    }catch (Exception e){
  • Our, fairly simple solution. Different from the found around. Excellent.

  • But it is strange to have as a result in your attempt, @Bruno, that agglomeration of broken characters. This should be the return of getPath()?

  • I didn’t understand why of the characters, but I was using (by recommendation) the Fileutils class to convert File to String and then use split in String to get only the file name. Maybe I was taking the contents of the file and not its path.

  • Just so you know, which operating system are you using?

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