How do I know I clicked on a Gameobject in Unity?


Viewed 1,069 times


I’m trying to create a game similar to Fruit ninja, but I know little of game programming, I understand code c#, could tell me a method if I clicked on a gameobject?

  • Is the game for mobile devices? For desktop?

2 answers



You should add a Collider to your Gameobject and tag. After adding Collider and tag, in the script linked to your Gameobject you can do the following:

function OnCollisionEnter (c : Collision){
   if(c.gameObject.tag == "meuObjeto") {
     // Faça alguma coisa.
  • 1

    Incomplete answer, not dealing with the click part, and the event that should be used to treat a click is not this...

  • True. I made a little mistake, the Oncollisionenter is to treat collisions between objects. Thank you for the correction.

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