Submit DIV over another DIV


Viewed 671 times


I am using a DIV with the message "processing" and opaque background, every time a request occurs (user iteration when clicking a button). However, this screen is also presented when I have an open modal screen, and it turns out that the processing screen is not superimposed on the modal screen. All my layout was developed with Bootstrap 3. How do I overwrite the processing div over the modal?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Do you want it to look exactly like the image? Have you tried to change the Z-index of this processing Div so that the Z-index is larger than Modal?

  • The problem is that the z-index that bootstrap uses is 1050. It is standard for all Modal

2 answers


CSS offers the ability to work in layers on your pages, so you can overlay elements on each other using the z-index property...

As you said that bootstrap uses a z-index value of 1050 you can change this by overriding the css rule for z-modal index, to do this your stylesheet needs to be below the sheet of the Bootstrap sheet in your HTML document or else the only rules that will be overwritten are your.

For more information about using the property Click Here


The solution is to render the HTML of the processing modal after the registration modal. To organize everything, follow example:

<div id="modalCadastro"></div> 
<div id="modalProcessamento"></div>

When calling the processing modal, it will override the other modal.

  • actually @Matheus this is already happening. It is the confirm button of the registration screen that requires the rendering of the processing screen.

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