How to convert an html page to Image and download IE and Safari?


Viewed 1,463 times


I need to convert an HTML page into an image and download that image. I got it for Chrome and Firefox, but in IE it doesn’t work at all in any of the versions. In Safari 5 I could not download, when clicking the link opens the image in the browser.

Does anyone know by chance if there is a possibility of running IE >=9 at least from version 9 and more current Safari?

Notice on IE 11 by clicking the Download link: DOM7011: The code on this page disabled the previous and later cache storage. For more information, see: Linkid=291337

$(document).ready(function() {
	$(function() { 
		html2canvas($("#widget"), {
			onrendered: function(canvas) {
					$("#btnSave").attr("href", canvas.toDataURL());
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      color: darkgray;
    .fieldlist {} .constraints {
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    .constraints table {
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    .gradient-blue {
      background: #b8e1fc;
      /* Old browsers */
      /* IE9 SVG, needs conditional override of 'filter' to 'none' */
      background: url();
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #b8e1fc 0%, #a9d2f3 10%, #90bae4 25%, #90bcea 37%, #90bff0 50%, #6ba8e5 51%, #a2daf5 83%, #bdf3fd 100%);
      /* FF3.6+ */
      background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #b8e1fc), color-stop(10%, #a9d2f3), color-stop(25%, #90bae4), color-stop(37%, #90bcea), color-stop(50%, #90bff0), color-stop(51%, #6ba8e5), color-stop(83%, #a2daf5), color-stop(100%, #bdf3fd));
      /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
      background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #b8e1fc 0%, #a9d2f3 10%, #90bae4 25%, #90bcea 37%, #90bff0 50%, #6ba8e5 51%, #a2daf5 83%, #bdf3fd 100%);
      /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
      background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #b8e1fc 0%, #a9d2f3 10%, #90bae4 25%, #90bcea 37%, #90bff0 50%, #6ba8e5 51%, #a2daf5 83%, #bdf3fd 100%);
      /* Opera 11.10+ */
      background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #b8e1fc 0%, #a9d2f3 10%, #90bae4 25%, #90bcea 37%, #90bff0 50%, #6ba8e5 51%, #a2daf5 83%, #bdf3fd 100%);
      /* IE10+ */
      background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #b8e1fc 0%, #a9d2f3 10%, #90bae4 25%, #90bcea 37%, #90bff0 50%, #6ba8e5 51%, #a2daf5 83%, #bdf3fd 100%);
      /* W3C */
      filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#b8e1fc', endColorstr='#bdf3fd', GradientType=0);
      /* IE6-8 */
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<span id="widget" class="widget" field="AGE" roundby="20" description="Patient age, in years">
        <div class="header ng-scope">
          <div class="title ng-binding">AGE</div>
          <p class="ng-binding">Patient age, in years</p>
        <div class="element ng-scope">
          <div ng-show="hasData()" class="content">
            <table ng-model="table" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
                <col width="60x"/>
                <col width="100px"/>
                  <th class="cell value">Value</th>
                  <th class="cell freq">Freq</th>
                  <th class="cell value"></th>
    <tr ng-repeat="rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort " ng-click="onSelect(rowKey, $event.shiftKey)" ng-class="{true:'selected'}[isSelected(rowKey)]" data-key="0" class="selectable ng-scope">
                <td class="cell value"><span tooltip="0 to 19" class="ng-scope ng-binding">0 to 19</span>

      <td class="cell freq ng-binding">17.2%</td>
      <td class="cell glyph">
        <span class="bar bar-both" ng-style="{width: (table.getBothPct(rowKey) | barSize)+'%' }" style="width: 17.234468937875754%;"></span>
        <span class="bar bar-fg" ng-style="{width: (table.getFgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
        <span class="bar bar-bg" ng-style="{width: (table.getBgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
      <tr ng-repeat="rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort " ng-click="onSelect(rowKey, $event.shiftKey)" ng-class="{true:'selected'}[isSelected(rowKey)]" data-key="20" class="selectable ng-scope">
        <td class="cell value"><span tooltip="20 to 39" class="ng-scope ng-binding">20 to 39</span>
        <td class="cell freq ng-binding">18.0%</td>
        <td class="cell glyph">
          <span class="bar bar-both" ng-style="{width: (table.getBothPct(rowKey) | barSize)+'%' }" style="width: 18.03607214428858%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-fg" ng-style="{width: (table.getFgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-bg" ng-style="{width: (table.getBgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
      <!-- end ngRepeat: rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort -->
      <tr ng-repeat="rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort " ng-click="onSelect(rowKey, $event.shiftKey)" ng-class="{true:'selected'}[isSelected(rowKey)]" data-key="40" class="selectable ng-scope">
        <td class="cell value"><span tooltip="40 to 59" class="ng-scope ng-binding">40 to 59</span>

        <!--<td >{{table.getRowPercent('current', rowKey) | percent}}</td>-->
        <td class="cell freq ng-binding">34.3%</td>
        <td class="cell glyph">
          <!--<div class="bar bar-both" style="width: {{(row.current.pct * 100)||2}}px; " ></div>-->
          <span class="bar bar-both" ng-style="{width: (table.getBothPct(rowKey) | barSize)+'%' }" style="width: 34.2685370741483%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-fg" ng-style="{width: (table.getFgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-bg" ng-style="{width: (table.getBgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
      <!-- end ngRepeat: rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort -->
      <tr ng-repeat="rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort " ng-click="onSelect(rowKey, $event.shiftKey)" ng-class="{true:'selected'}[isSelected(rowKey)]" data-key="60" class="selectable ng-scope">
        <td class="cell value"><span tooltip="60 to 79" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60 to 79</span>

        <!--<td >{{table.getRowPercent('current', rowKey) | percent}}</td>-->
        <td class="cell freq ng-binding">24.0%</td>
        <td class="cell glyph">
          <!--<div class="bar bar-both" style="width: {{(row.current.pct * 100)||2}}px; " ></div>-->
          <span class="bar bar-both" ng-style="{width: (table.getBothPct(rowKey) | barSize)+'%' }" style="width: 24.04809619238477%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-fg" ng-style="{width: (table.getFgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-bg" ng-style="{width: (table.getBgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
      <!-- end ngRepeat: rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort -->
      <tr ng-repeat="rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort " ng-click="onSelect(rowKey, $event.shiftKey)" ng-class="{true:'selected'}[isSelected(rowKey)]" data-key="80" class="selectable ng-scope">
        <td class="cell value"><span tooltip="80 to 99" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80 to 99</span>

        <!--<td >{{table.getRowPercent('current', rowKey) | percent}}</td>-->
        <td class="cell freq ng-binding">6.4%</td>
        <td class="cell glyph">
          <!--<div class="bar bar-both" style="width: {{(row.current.pct * 100)||2}}px; " ></div>-->
          <span class="bar bar-both" ng-style="{width: (table.getBothPct(rowKey) | barSize)+'%' }" style="width: 6.4128256513026045%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-fg" ng-style="{width: (table.getFgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
          <span class="bar bar-bg" ng-style="{width: (table.getBgPct(rowKey) | barSize) +'%' }" style="width: 0%;"></span>
      <!-- end ngRepeat: rowKey in table.rowKeys | orderBy:elementRowSort -->
      <tr ng-show="getShowMean()" class="">
        <td class="stat">Mean</td>
        <td class="ng-binding">46.1</td>


      <!-- ngRepeat: field in getChildren(field) -->
      <a id="btnSave" download="mypainting.png">Link Download</a>

1 answer


You are using an outdated version of html2canvas, we are in the version 0.5 that works in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3.5+
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera 12+ (presto)
  • IE9+
  • Safari 6+

Note however html2canvas does not take a real photo, it actually tries to redesign the elements, so things like some features of svg and css will not work, ie there are a lot of things to implement yet.

Keep in mind that the library is fully experimental.

The mistake DOM7011 I’ve never seen in the html2canvas issues then it’s probably something else that failed, I tested the code and had flaws that didn’t work in several browsers, another strange thing is that you called $.ready and then $(Function) which is the same thing in jquery:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(function() { 

Besides that the use of the link was wrong, do so:

$(function() { 
    html2canvas($("#widget"), {
        onrendered: function(canvas) {
            $("#btnSave").attr("href", canvas.toDataURL());

Because with click and then set the attr it will try to download something that does not exist, because of the running time.

Now most importantly, you put elements block inside span, This is wrong, exchange span for div, so:

<div id="widget" class="widget" field="AGE" roundby="20" description="Patient age, in years">
    <div class="header ng-scope">

IE problem with DATA protocol

In IE on links or popup the date protocol requests an external application because in a way it is not recognized, so the only way to get around the problem is by putting the canvas result in an img tag like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        html2canvas($("#widget"), {
            onrendered: function(canvas) {
                $("<img />").attr("src", canvas.toDataURL()).appendTo("#imageSaved");

<div id="imageSaved"></div>

And then you have to right-click the mouse/mouse on the image and Salvar como... (or Guardar).

This is due to an IE limitation: f=255&Mspperror=-2147217396

Data Uris are supported only for the following Elements and/or Attributes. Object (images only)

  • img

  • input type=image

  • link

  • CSS declarations that Accept a URL, such as background, backgroundImage, and so on.

Alternative to Internet Explorer 11

On IE11 you can use the canvas.msToBlob, also added the use of createObjectURL for IE10, but I don’t know if it will work, I don’t have IE10 to test here, the code was like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var URL = !!(window.URL || window.webkitURL || false);
    html2canvas($("#widget"), {
        onrendered: function(canvas) {
                if (canvas.msToBlob) { //for IE
                    var blob = canvas.msToBlob();
                    window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, 'dicomimage.png');
                } else if (URL) {
                    //Talvez funcione no IE10
                    var data = canvas.toDataURL().replace(/^data:image\/[a-z]+[;]base64,/g, "");
                    var bdata = new Blob([window.atob(data)], {type: "image/png"});
                    var url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(bdata);
                    this.href = url;

                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 100);
                } else {
                    this.href = canvas.toDataURL();
  • I updated the html2canvas library version 0.5, now I’m loading in the IE >9 the image inside the <img /> tag, but I still don’t know how to download the image. Ex: <img src="data:image/png;Base64,iVBORw0KGgoAA...> how to download the redesigned image?

  • @Admiralty is as I said is a limitation of IE because of protocol data: you will have to right click on the image and then Salvar como..., there’s really nothing to do.

  • @Almirantonio edited the reply and put the microsoft link that explains this limitation. Unfortunately there is nothing to do.

  • I got it, since the solution is to right-click the mouse/mouse on the image and Save as... is it possible to do it via javascript? The idea would be to create a function that would make this right click and choose Save image, or traveled a lot.

  • So it is not possible to control the user’s mouse by javascritp and really do not see any alternative solution to internetexplorer, I do not really dislike IE, but really this browser is quite complicated. But I think I found a fallback with "Flash" I’ll edit the question tomorrow because I have to leave, but it does seem to have a solution ;)

  • @Almirantonio was a little difficult but I managed without needing the Flash, now works on IE11, could test?

  • I tested here using IE Emulator and works on IE10 and 11 with canvas.msToBlob. This part that you put "/Maybe it works on IE10" I didn’t need here for IE10. Then I tried on IE9,10,11 and none worked. In the case of IE10,11 gave this error... The object does not support the 'revokeObjectURL' property or method, to enter If I forced commenting on the first.

  • @Almirantonio was my error in the code, I will correct, I did not test in IE9 because I do not have here :/

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