Personalised registration form


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I came across the need to create a page with a "simple" but complex form in its structure (I believe).

What I need to do, is that when creating a wordpress post, where the created POST has a unique PAGE (form) subscription, as follows:

  • POST > PHP Online Course / CATEGORY > Online Courses

At the end of it, have a LINK to a single page linked to the form for this course, and at the end of the date I can export in CSV or EXCEL.

I tried contact form and contact form DB, but could not generate forms for each post (course) separately.

Does anyone have any idea?

1 answer


To assemble the forms, you will need to build a plugin "at hand" (which I do not recommend to be at last), or use a plugin ready. From your description, I think the Easy Contact Forms is a good choice. It allows you to assemble the form you want with several fields. It sends by email, exports in spreadsheet and saved in database. I think it suits you. It just annoying to set up.

After you create the various forms, you can use the plugin’s own tag to add it to your post (course). Each created form gets an ID, then you just add in your post:

[easy_contact_forms fid = <id do formulario>]

If you need more dynamic forms, where the values of a combobox in the database, for example. Then you may have to develop.

  • Ricardo, with Easy I could create a single form and use it for several posts? or I would need to create several forms?

  • After a little thought here, I’ve come to that conclusion, would you be right? se POST = PHP COURSE (would be the category) COURSE = PHP + DATABASE (would be the course)

  • 1

    Responding to the first comment: Yes. You can put the same form in as many posts as you want. Responding to the second comment: it is difficult to give you an answer without knowing the context. But one way would be like this: Category is course and the Post would be a specialization of the course. I will make an example with Java. Category would be "Java Courses" and I can create a post for each specialty / Java framework. Example: Basic Java, JPA, JSF, Spring, Swing and so on.

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