Advanced android course


Viewed 146 times


Guys, anyone knows any institution that offers an advanced android course?

What do I mean by advanced android? I want someone who has already created their own version of android, who has changed the source and changed the builds, removed features and such, similar to what phone operators do, something very low level, and not APP creations.

PS: I don’t know if this is exactly the place to ask this, but anyway..

  • I think if the question were written otherwise it would be totally valid.

  • It’s hard to understand or posted in the wrong place?

  • It is easy to understand, but the way this writing leads to off-topic. If it were something, "how to create my own android system" would be valid, course requests are off.

  • 1

    In fact it is not the right place. The focus of the site is to collect Objective Questions and Answers about the programming itself, unlike a forum. But take a look at the tag [tag:android], you might find interesting information to complement your knowledge.

  • 1

    I was formulating an answer, but it will take a long time hehehe is a lot, however if you have practice with English the link is this it teaches step by step (recommend JDK8 in 7 has many dependencies)

1 answer


What you want is to make your own Android image, so your stop is the AOSP project . But it’s no trivial thing. I’ve handled AOSP in the past, to change key components of Android (Bluetooth and kernel), so it’s doable.

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