Problem with multimonitor system on Linux - Set Main Screen


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My system has two monitors so that the main one is in the "middle" (or right) and the secondary one on the left.

The problem is that it seems that Linux always takes the one on the left to be the main one. The taskbar and menu stay on it and the windows also open on it, including the login screen.

There is some way to put the middle/right to be the main, because when I have no need to use both keep the left off.

I’m using ATI’s proprietary drivers on Linux Mint 17.

  • change the monitor settings, if not fix, reverse the cables.

  • One monitor is HDMI and the other is VGA. VGA has only VGA input.

  • i don’t know if Mint saves monitor information, but da to change, the problem is that linux usually gives priority to vga.

  • tries to change this directly in the interface or X11 files, tries to change the priority.

  • I’ve already manually changed using xrandr, but when starting the pc, the login screen is on the left monitor.

  • 1

    looks for the configuration files in the /etc/ folder and sets the second as the primary

  • I added this line at the end of the monitor session. Option "Primary" "true"

  • 1

    if it doesn’t work, put the command q you use with xrand on . xinitrc, then it calls the command when starting the interface

  • Thanks for the comments. After a few days snooping around, I got it. It seems like a trivial problem, but it’s not. Mostly for beginners. I will write an answer here for my question. Thank you!

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1 answer


At first glance it may seem like a trivial problem, however whenever he changed the layout of the monitors by Catalyst the left monitor was set as primary. Getting on it the login screen and the taskbar.

Turns out the Mint also always picks up the left-most monitor as a primary.

After much searching for similar problems, this link command

xrandr --output CRT1 --primary --auto --pos 0x0 --output LVDS --auto --left-of CRT1

But every time I restarted the system or adjusted the resolution, everything went back to the left.

I edited the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and left as follows as this link

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "amdcccle-Device[1]-0"
    Driver      "fglrx"
    Option      "Monitor-LVDS" "0-LVDS"
    Option      "Monitor-CRT1" "0-CRT1"
    BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

But it didn’t solve.

Only with the hint on this link was I able to solve the problem.

I edited the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf inserted the following

Section "Monitor"
    Option "Primary" "true"

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