Xcode - App installation failed: An Unknown error has occurred


Viewed 244 times


I upgraded the Xcode to version 7.2 (7C68).

After the update I can no longer install the project under development for testing on my iPad.

This message appears:

App installation failed: An Unknown error has occurred

I already tried to give a clean but unsuccessful.

In a simulator the project is installed normally.

For testing purposes I created a new project and it is installed both in the simulator and on iPad.

Have any log on Xcode for me to try to find the problem?

  • Delete the app installed on your iPad and rotate again

  • I already did that. I wonder why the downvote, who gave could help me improve the question?

  • Strange, every time it happened cmg I simply uninstalled and worked, which error code appears along with the message?

  • @Jefersonassis that’s the problem, no code appears, only the unknown error message. I already tried to follow the Technical Note TN2319, unsuccessfully too. I have cocoapods in the project, but I think this shouldn’t be the problem.

  • Already tried to install on another device?

  • There is a problem with the digital certificate on Xcode after the update. I don’t know if that’s your case. Further information: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5932522/codesign-error-certificate-identity-appearing-twice/12633127

  • I have not yet tested on another device. @Ccastro this is not my problem. I have already reset my iPad and installed the latest version of Xcode. Apparently the problem is not with Xcode, because I have three different versions and the same problem occurs. I’m thinking it’s some configuration file, since a new project works normally on iPad. I didn’t want to move my current project to a new project because I didn’t want to miss the GIT track.

  • Guys, I got it to work. I just did so much that I don’t know how it worked. I have deleted all development keys that are in Applicationn/Utilities. I removed all the folders that are in /Library/Developer/Xcode/Deriveddata and finally I cleaned the project again. Only at each stage I tried to build, until one hour worked. Maybe it’s a bug? I saw that all the reports were ok before installing the debug app on iPad and in the attempt to install appeared the error described in that post.

  • The problem happened again. I deleted all the folders from /Library/Developer/Xcode/Deriveddata again and it worked normally.

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