Error Undefined variable: siteConfig APP/views/Elements/header.ctp, line 9


Viewed 101 times


I have a problem uploading images to a project using Cakephp 1.3.15.
The link below shows what is occurring.

Follows the code referring to the error:

<a href="<?php echo URL; ?>">
            <img src="<?php echo URL; ?>img/logos/<?php echo $siteConfig['Configuration']['logo_path_color'] ?>/headerLogo.png" alt="" title="" />

The Code of my app_controller

class AppController extends Controller
    var $uses = array(

    var $helpers = array(

    var $components = array(

    function beforeFilter()


        // Remove www da URL para não dar problema de sessão
        if (!(strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'www') === false)) {
            $this->redirect(URL .  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

        Configure::write('UseCdnHost', false);

        if ($this->_isAdmin()) 
            $this->set('site_config', $this->Configuration->findById(1));
            $this->layout = 'admin_default';
            //Criando variaveis globais e arquivos nescessarios
            if( isset( $this->params['form'] ) && !empty( $this->params['form'] ) )
                $form_data = $this->processAjaxFormData( $this->params['form'] );
                if( !empty( $form_data ) )
                    $this->data = $form_data;

            if ( !isset( $this->bound_actions ) )
                $this->bound_actions = array();
            $this->_createDefaultArchives( $this->params['controller'] );

            $this->Auth->loginError = __("Login inválido.", true); 
            $this->Auth->authError = __("Por favor faça o login.", true);
            $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('admin' => true, 'controller' => 'dashboard', 'action' => 'index');
            $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array('admin' => true, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
            $this->Auth->loginAction = array('admin' => true, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');

            // Configurações do usuario logado 
            if ( $this->Auth->user() )

                $userConditions = array('conditions' => array('' => $this->Auth->user('id')));
                $user = $this->User->find('first', $userConditions);
                $this->set( 'userType', $user['User']['user_type'] );

                if( !$this->Session->check('Admin.last_access') )
                    $last_access = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                    $this->User->id = $user['User']['id'];
                    $this->User->save(array('last_access' => $last_access));
                    $this->Session->write('Admin.last_access', $last_access);

                if( !$this->_checkUserPermission( $this->params['controller'], $user, $this->User->blockedControllers ) && $this->params['action'] != 'admin_logout' )  
                    $this->redirect(URL_ADMIN . '/deny');

                $this->set('user', $user);
                if(isset($this->params['pass'][0])) $this->set('edit_id', $this->params['pass'][0]);
                Configure::write('AdminUserId', $user['User']['id']);

                if ($this->params['action'] != 'admin_login') 
                    $this->redirect(URL_ADMIN . 'users/login');
            $this->set('utilities', $this->Utility->getAvaliablePlugins($this->params['controller'], $this->params['action']));
            $this->set('siteConfig', $this->Configuration->findById(1));
            $this->set( 'menuCategories', $this->PostCategory->getCategoriesBySession() );
            $this->set( 'menuPages', $this->Page->getMenuNavigation() );

            // Combinações possíveis para cada categoria nas homes de notícias, formação e agenda. Também em suas categorias.
            $boxCombinationsForHomes = array(
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 1, 'boxType' => 2),
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 3, 'boxType' => 1),
                    array('startLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 3, 'boxType' => 1),
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 5, 'boxType' => 0),
                    array('startLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 5, 'boxType' => 0)
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 1, 'boxType' => 1),
                    array('startLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 1, 'boxType' => 1),
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 3, 'boxType' => 0),
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 4, 'boxType' => 0),
                    array('startLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 3, 'boxType' => 0),
                    array('startLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 4, 'boxType' => 0),
                    array('startLine' => 1, 'startColumn' => 5, 'boxType' => 0),
                    array('startLine' => 2, 'startColumn' => 5, 'boxType' => 0)

            $this->set('boxCombinationsForHomes', $boxCombinationsForHomes);


     * Pagina de erro
    function cakeError ($type, $options = array()) 
        $this->set('page_name', 'error_page');
        $this->set('title',     __('Página não encontrada', true));
        parent::cakeError($type, $options = array());

     * Seta dados padroes para ser utilizados no beforeFilter e paginas de erros
    function _setDefaultContent () 


    function beforeRender()

        if ($this->_isAdmin()) 
            $userConditions = array('conditions' => array('' => $this->Auth->user('id')));
            $user = $this->User->find('first', $userConditions);

            $this->set( 'menu', $this->AdminMenu->getMenu( $user ) );
            $submenu = ( $this->Session->check(' Admin.Submenu' ) ) ?  $this->Session->read(' Admin.Submenu' ) : $this->AdminMenu->submenu;
            $this->set( 'submenu', $submenu );

            $json_form = array();
                    $json_form = $this->data[$this->modelClass];
                    $json_form = $this->data;

                    $json_form['media'] = $this->data['MediaLibrary'];

                $blocked_inputs = array('password');
                foreach ($json_form as $key => $value) {
                    if(in_array($key, $blocked_inputs)){
                $this->set('json_form', $json_form);


            $allowed_models = array('Page', 'News', 'Event');
            $view_data = array();
            if (isset($this->viewVars['data']) && !empty($this->viewVars['data'])) {
                foreach ($allowed_models as $key => $model) {
                        $view_data[$key]['data'] = $this->viewVars['data'][$model];
                        $view_data[$key]['tags'] = $this->viewVars['data'][$model.'Tag'];
            $this->set('view_data', $view_data);

    *   _isAdmin() : Função usada para verificar se o usuario esta navegando na area de administracao
    *   @return bool
    function _isAdmin() 
        if (isset($this->params['prefix']) && $this->params['prefix'] == 'admin') {
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;

    *   _checkUserPermission() : Função usada para verificar se o usuario esta navegando em uma area permitida
    *   @return bool

    function _checkUserPermission( $controller, $user, $blockedControllers )
        $allow = false;
        $permissions = explode( ',', $user['User']['permissions'] );

        if ( in_array( $controller, $permissions ) ) {
            $allow = true;

        if ( in_array( Inflector::classify( $controller ), $blockedControllers ) ) {
            $allow = true;

        return $allow;

    *   _createDefaultArchives() : Função usada para criar arquivos nescessarios caso haja um novo controller;
    *   @return bool
    function _createDefaultArchives($controller)
        $file_paths = array('js', 'css');
        $file_types = array('js', 'css');

        foreach ($file_types as $key => $type) {        
            $path = APP . WEBROOT_DIR . '/' . ADMIN_CONTENT . '/' . $file_paths[$key] . '/controllers/' . $controller . '.' . $type; 
            $file = new File($path, true, 0777);
        return true;

    *   processAjaxFormData() : Retira os campos vazios do form enviado por ajax
    *   @return $form
    function processAjaxFormData($form)
        foreach($form as $key => $input){
            if($input == ''){
        return $form;

     * Esta função decide qual o Cookie da sessao utilizar.
     * Deve ser utilizada caso tenha uma area de site e outra de administracao
     * para nao misturar dados.
     * @return void
    function _setCookie() {
        if ($this->_isAdmin()) {
            // admin
            Configure::write('Session.cookie', Configure::read("Session.admin_cookie"));
        else {
            // site
            Configure::write('Session.cookie', Configure::read("Session.site_cookie"));
        // inicia a sessao e ativa ela

     * Função que faz a contabilização do historico de vizualizações de conteudo
    function _setNewViewClick($source_id, $source_table) {

        // Resgato de onde o usuario acessou o post
        $source = (isset($this->params['named']['source'])) ? $this->params['named']['source'] : 'normal';

        // Defino as datas para a busca do registro recente de cliques ( 1 registro novo por hora )
        $dates = array(
            'now'   => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()),
            'prev'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 3600)),

        // Condições para a busca do registro atual de clicks
        $find_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source'          => $source,
                'ViewClick.source_id'       => $source_id,
                'ViewClick.source_table'    => $source_table,
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['prev'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'

        // Variaveis default para serem salvos
        $new_views = 1;
        $data = array();

        // Caso haja um registro atual, atualizo este registro somando + 1 click ou crio um novo registro com 1 click computado
        if ($actual = $this->ViewClick->find('first', $find_options)){
            $new_views = $actual['ViewClick']['views'] + 1;
            $this->ViewClick->id = $actual['ViewClick']['id'];
        } else {

            $data['source']         = $source;
            $data['source_id']      = $source_id;
            $data['source_table']   = $source_table;

        // Salvo os dados na base
        $data['views'] = $new_views;

     * Função que resgata os dados nescessarios para o funcionamento do elemento last_posts
    public function _setLastPostsElementData($used_ids = array())

        // Resgato Ultimas Noticias
        $last_news_conditions = array('News.status' => 1);
        if(isset($used_ids['News'])) $last_news_conditions[] = ' NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_unique($used_ids['News'])) . ')';
        $last_news = $this->News->find( 'all', array( 
            'limit' => 9,
            'order' => ' DESC',
            'conditions' => $last_news_conditions

        // Restado ultimos Artigo e Entrevista
        $last_articles_conditions = array('ArticleInterview.status' => 1);
        if(isset($used_ids['ArticleInterview'])) $last_articles_conditions[] = ' NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_unique($used_ids['ArticleInterview'])) . ')';
        $last_articles = $this->ArticleInterview->find( 'all', array( 
            'limit' => 9,
            'order' => ' DESC',
            'conditions' => $last_articles_conditions

        // Proximos Eventos
        $next_events = $this->Event->find( 'all', array( 
            'limit' => 9,
            'order' => ' ASC',
            'conditions' => array(
                'Event.status' => 1,
                ' >= CURDATE()',

        // Seto as variaves para a view
        $this->set('last_news', $last_news);
        $this->set('last_articles', $last_articles);
        $this->set('next_events', $next_events);

     *  Função que resgata as infos nescessarias para o elemento de noticias
    public function _setNewsElementData($used_ids = array())

        $news = array();

        // Datas para as condiçoes das buscas de cada periodo
        $dates = array(
            'now'   => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()),
            'today'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 86400)),
            'week'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 602280)),
            'month'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 18068400)),

        // Ligo o modelo de historico de clicks com a tabela de noticias
        $bind = array('belongsTo' => array('News' => array('foreignKey' => 'source_id', 'className' => 'News')));
        $this->ViewClick->bindModel($bind, false);

        // Condições para o periodo de 24h <-> Agora
        $today_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source' => 'normal',
                'ViewClick.source_table' => 'News',
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['today'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'
            ), 'order' => array('ViewClick.views DESC')
        $news['today'] = $this->ViewClick->find('all', $today_options);

        // Condições para o periodo de 1 Semana <-> Agora
        $week_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source' => 'normal',
                'ViewClick.source_table' => 'News',
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['week'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'
            ), 'order' => array('ViewClick.views DESC')
        $news['week'] = $this->ViewClick->find('all', $week_options);

        // Condições para o periodo de 1 Mês <-> Agora
        $month_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source' => 'normal',
                'ViewClick.source_table' => 'News',
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['month'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'
            ), 'order' => array('ViewClick.views DESC')
        $news['month'] = $this->ViewClick->find('all', $month_options);

        // Condições para ultimas noticias, eliminando noticias que ja sejam destaques
        $last_news_conditions = array('News.status' => 1);
        if(isset($used_ids['News'])) $last_news_conditions[] = ' NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_unique($used_ids['News'])) . ')';

        // Resgato as Ultimas noticias
        $last_news = $this->News->find( 'all', array( 
            'limit' => 9,
            'order' => ' DESC',
            'conditions' => $last_news_conditions

        // Seto variaveis para view
        $this->set('news', $news); 
        $this->set('last_news', $last_news); 

    public function _setArticlesInterviewsElementData($used_ids = array())

        $articles = array();    
        // Datas para as condiçoes das buscas de cada periodo
        $dates = array(
            'now'   => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()),
            'today'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 86400)),
            'week'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 602280)),
            'month'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - 18068400)),

        // Ligo o modelo de historico de clicks com a tabela de artigos
        $bind = array('belongsTo' => array('ArticleInterview' => array('foreignKey' => 'source_id', 'className' => 'ArticleInterview')));
        $this->ViewClick->bindModel($bind, false);

        // Condições para o periodo de 24h <-> Agora
        $today_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source' => 'normal',
                'ViewClick.source_table' => 'ArticleInterview',
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['today'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'
            ), 'order' => array('ViewClick.views DESC')
        $articles['today'] = $this->ViewClick->find('all', $today_options);

        // Condições para o periodo de 1 Semana <-> Agora
        $week_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source' => 'normal',
                'ViewClick.source_table' => 'ArticleInterview',
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['week'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'
            ), 'order' => array('ViewClick.views DESC')
        $articles['week'] = $this->ViewClick->find('all', $week_options);

        // Condições para o periodo de 1 Mês <-> Agora
        $month_options = array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'ViewClick.source' => 'normal',
                'ViewClick.source_table' => 'ArticleInterview',
                'ViewClick.created BETWEEN "' . $dates['month'] . '" AND "' . $dates['now'] .'"'
            ), 'order' => array('ViewClick.views DESC')
        $articles['month'] = $this->ViewClick->find('all', $month_options);

        // Condições para ultimos artigos, eliminando artigos que ja sejam destaques
        $last_articles_conditions = array('ArticleInterview.status' => 1, 'ArticleInterview.author_id' => 0);
        if(isset($used_ids['ArticleInterview'])) $last_articles_conditions[] = ' NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_unique($used_ids['ArticleInterview'])) . ')';

        // Resgato as Ultimos Artigos
        $last_articles = $this->ArticleInterview->find( 'all', array( 
            'limit' => 4,
            'order' => ' DESC',
            'conditions' => $last_articles_conditions

        // Seto variaveis para view
        $this->set('articles', $articles); 
        $this->set('last_articles', $last_articles); 

     * Retorna ultimo tweet
    function get_last_tweet () 
        $this->autoRender = false;

        Cache::set(array('duration' => '+20 minutes'));
        if (Cache::read('last_tweet')) 
            Cache::set(array('duration' => '+20 minutes'));
            echo Cache::read('last_tweet');
            $site_config = $this->Configuration->findById(1);
            $data = $this->Twitter->getLastTweet('juventudeomi');
            if (isset($data[0]) && !empty($data[0])) 
                Cache::write('last_tweet', ($data[0]['text']));
                echo ($data[0]['text']);

     * Resgata cep
    public function cep ($cep = null) 
        $this->autoRender = false;
        $data = $this->Cep->getDataCep($cep);
        echo json_encode($data);

And my view I think is this:

<div class="container center">
<div class="group index">
            if ( isset( $features ) ) {
                foreach ( $features as $key => $feature ) {         

                    $featureClasses = 'tile ';
                    $featureClasses .= ( isset( $feature['Feature']['classes'] ) ) ? $feature['Feature']['classes'] . ' ' : ' ';
                    $featureClasses .= ( isset( $feature['Feature']['source_table'] ) ) ? $translate->sourceClass( $feature['Feature']['source_table'] ) . ' ' : ' ';
                    <div class="<?php echo $featureClasses ?>" data-start-column="<?php echo $feature['Feature']['start_column'] ?>" data-start-line="<?php echo $feature['Feature']['start_line'] ?>" data-position="<?php echo $feature['Feature']['position'] ?>">
                        <?php if ( $feature['Feature']['source_table'] != 'Widget' ) { ?>

                            <a target="<?php echo ( $feature['Feature']['source_table'] != 'link' ) ? '_self' : '_blank';  ?>" href="<?php echo ( $feature['Feature']['source_table'] != 'link' ) ? $this->base : '' ?><?php echo $feature['Feature']['link'] ?>">
                                    if ( !empty( $feature['Feature']['image_id'] ) ) { 
                                        $title = $viewFn->getImageTitle( $feature['MediaLibrary']['html_title'], $feature['Feature']['title'] );
                                        <img src="<?php echo $this->base . '/' . $feature['Feature']['image_path'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $title ?>" title="<?php echo $title ?>" />
                                <?php } ?>

                                <div class="text">

                                        <strong><?php echo $feature['Feature']['title'] ?></strong>
                                            echo ( !empty( $feature['Feature']['sub_title'] ) ) ? '<span class="subtitle">' . $feature['Feature']['sub_title'] . '</span>' : '';
                                <?php if ( isset( $feature['Feature']['comments_number'] ) ) : ?>
                                    <p class="comments"><?php echo $feature['Feature']['comments_number'] ?> comentário<?php echo ( $feature['Feature']['comments_number'] > 1 ) ? 's' : ''; ?>
                                <?php endif ?>      
                                <span class="icon"></span>

                            } else { 

                                if ( !empty( $feature['Feature']['video_id'] ) ) {
                                    $dataWidget['widget_video'] = $feature;

                                echo $this->element( $feature['Feature']['widget'], array( 'dataWidget' => $dataWidget ) ); 
                    if ( in_array( ($key+1), $painelConfig ) ) {
                        echo '</div> <div class="group index">';
    <div class="group index">
        $startColumn = 1;
        // notícias
        if ( count( $featuresNewsList ) ) {
            <div class="tile col3 row4 customPosts" data-start-column="<?php echo $startColumn; ?>" data-start-line="1">
                <div class="posts news">
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="bar"></div>
                        <span class="icon"></span>
                    for ( $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
                        if ( isset( $featuresNewsList[$i] ) ) {
                            $feature = $featuresNewsList[$i]['Feature'];
                            $featureNews = $featuresNewsList[$i]['News'];
                            <div class="item <?php if ( $i == 1 ) { ?>first<?php } ?>">
                                $link = substr( URL , 0, -1) . $feature['link'];
                                if ( $feature['image_path'] ) {
                                    <div class="image">
                                        <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $feature['image_path']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $feature['title']; ?>" title="<?php echo $feature['title']; ?>" /></a>
                                <h4><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $feature['title']; ?></a></h4>
                                <p><?php echo $time->format( 'd/m/Y', $featureNews['created'] ) ?> - Atualizado em <?php echo $time->format( 'd/m/Y H:i', $featureNews['modified'] ) ?></p>
                        } else {
                            <div class="item"></div>
            $startColumn = $startColumn + 3;

        if ( count( $featuresArticleInterviewList ) ) {
            <div class="tile col3 row4 customPosts" data-start-column="<?php echo $startColumn; ?>" data-start-line="1">
                <div class="posts formation">
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="bar"></div>
                        <span class="icon"></span>
                    for ( $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
                        if ( isset( $featuresArticleInterviewList[$i] ) ) {
                            $feature = $featuresArticleInterviewList[$i]['Feature'];
                            $featureArticleInterview = $featuresArticleInterviewList[$i]['ArticleInterview'];
                            <div class="item <?php if ( $i == 1 ) { ?>first<?php } ?>">
                                $link = substr( URL , 0, -1) . $feature['link'];
                                if ( $feature['image_path'] ) {
                                    <div class="image">
                                        <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $feature['image_path']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $feature['title']; ?>" title="<?php echo $feature['title']; ?>" /></a>
                                <h4><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $feature['title']; ?></a></h4>
                                <p><?php echo $time->format( 'd/m/Y', $featureArticleInterview['date'] ); ?></p>
                        } else {
                            <div class="item"></div>
            $startColumn = $startColumn + 3;

        // agenda
        if ( count( $featuresEventList ) ) {
            <div class="tile col2 row4 customPosts" data-start-column="<?php echo $startColumn; ?>" data-start-line="1">
                <div class="posts agenda">
                    <div class="title">
                        <div class="bar"></div>
                        <span class="icon"></span>
                    for ( $i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++ ) {
                        if ( isset( $featuresEventList[$i] ) ) {
                            $feature = $featuresEventList[$i]['Feature'];
                            $featureEvent = $featuresEventList[$i]['Event'];
                            <div class="item <?php if ( $i == 1 ) { ?>first<?php } ?>">
                                $link = substr( URL , 0, -1) . $feature['link'];
                                if ( $feature['image_path'] ) {
                                    <div class="image">
                                        <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $feature['image_path']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $feature['title']; ?>" title="<?php echo $feature['title']; ?>" /></a>
                                <h4><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $feature['title']; ?></a></h4>
                                <p><?php echo $time->format( 'd', $featureEvent['date'] ); ?> de <?php echo $timeFn->getFullMonth( $featureEvent['date'] ); ?> de <?php echo $time->format( 'Y', $featureEvent['date'] ); ?></p>
                        } /*else {
                            <div class="item"></div>


  • you just posted a line, the error says that the variable is not defined, there is no way to know where the variable comes from the way you put the code, put where you declare this variable. Put the controller and view (if necessary the model, I don’t know how cakephp works for sure).

  • See if you’ve improved, @Guilhermenascimento

  • $sitesConfig is it a cake variable or yours? in that code there is no defined, it has the face to contain the root of the project is used to mount the link images something like this.

  • What makes me more worried is that the site is working perfectly at Both are on the same server. I just downloaded and uploaded the files. I searched Siteconfig for the project and couldn’t find it. @rray

  • Downloaded via ftp? sometimes the file comes or goes zicado, then you have some strange problems ...

  • Yes. I will try downloading again to see if it solves.

  • I think you should close. This is happening every time I try to open a page that doesn’t exist.

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