Serialize XML and save to Oracle with C# and ADO


Viewed 151 times


I wonder if there is something equivalent in Oracle for this select in SQL Server:

select NickName, ExternalId1 from Basics where externalId1 = @externalId1 for xml auto, elements;

And to this select down below:

x.n.value('OperationId[1]', 'int'),
x.n.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
x.n.value('MaxTime[1]', 'float')
from @xml.nodes('/*[1]') x(n);

1 answer


For the first, yes. It looks the same, actually.

select NickName, ExternalId1 
from Basics 
where externalId1 = @externalId1 
for xml auto, elements;

As for the second, SQL Server accepts XPath, but I believe that to work, @xml needs to be populated with a query before.

  • let’s see if I got this select Nickname, Externalid1 from Basics Where externalId1 = @externalId1 for xml auto, Elements; in Sqlserver is the same for Oracle? Thank you.

  • 1

    @eddiedev Exactly.

  • Interesting. I thought it changed the way of sending this xml to an Oracle database. Thank you

  • 1

    @eddiedev If the Gypsy response has solved your problem, mark it as accepted, so that everyone can know how you solved your problem.

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