Problem with 2D character Sprite display in Unreal Engine 4


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I was following a tutorial from the site of Unreal Engine 4 and in a certain video has an explanation of how to give movement to some character (WASD, jump, run and etc).

In another video shows how to give the character living movements using Sprites in Flipbooks inside the character’s Blueprint (movements like running, jumping and breathing while still) and when starting the executable (.exe) it does everything normal.

The problem is that when he does all this, he has something like two dolls superimposed on each other. One with the animation of him standing still and the other of him running/jumping:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Photos from the Blueprint:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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    Hello. I don’t know Unreal, but still your question seems to provide few of the details that would actually matter to solve the problem. You quote the tutorials, but hoping that someone willing to help you has to watch them is a little too much. I would suggest that you edit the question to improve it by doing the following: (1) place the images directly in the question, to facilitate reading; (2) place snippets of code where you manipulate the animations (because someone can identify some error more easily).

  • 1

    Leonardo, I don’t know if you have already solved the problem, but this type of question goes beyond watching the tutorial you are following. Try to make clear what you understand as a problem, and highlight what you did to get at it, in case I understood that there are two problems: (1) glued dolls and (2) stopped animation. For both cases it is important you put details of how you configured each one, whether you used Blueprint and the c++ code you used, printscreen the character detail pages as well.

  • Hello Nils I am in possession of some programming courses c++ to Unreal and with some e-books on the use of Blueprints. Already I notice the errors of animation and Blueprints pasted and now it doesn’t happen anymore. In this first course that I followed had no programming. But it’s all right now, it doesn’t happen anymore. thank you so much for the support.

  • Unreal is better for 3d, sophisticated games, already 2d is better Unity.

  • @Leonardov.Degasperin consider putting an answer to your own question showing how you did to solve your problem. Other people have surely had and will still have the same problem as you.

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