Compile PHP-CPP extension on Windows


Viewed 112 times


I’m trying to develop a PHP extension with PHP-CPP on Windows. I was able to compile . a and . so of PHP-CPP with Mingw, however, when I compile the extension it does not find phpcpp. h.
My File Makefile:

NAME                    =   Teste
INI_DIR             =   /etc/php5/conf.d
EXTENSION_DIR           =   $(shell php-config --extension-dir)
EXTENSION           =   ${NAME}.so
INI                     =   ${NAME}.ini
COMPILER                =   g++
LINKER              =   g++
PHP_CONFIG          =   php-config
COMPILER_FLAGS      =   -Wall -c -O2 -std=c++11 -fpic -o
LINKER_FLAGS            =   -shared
RM                  =   rm -f
CP                  =   cp -f
MKDIR                   =   mkdir -p
SOURCES             =   $(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJECTS             =   $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)
all:                    ${OBJECTS} ${EXTENSION}
${EXTENSION}:           ${OBJECTS}
                    ${LINKER} ${LINKER_FLAGS} -o $@ ${OBJECTS}         ${LINKER_DEPENDENCIES}
                    ${COMPILER} ${COMPILER_FLAGS} $@ ${@:%.o=%.cpp}
                    ${CP} ${EXTENSION} ${EXTENSION_DIR}
                    ${CP} ${INI} ${INI_DIR}

                    ${RM} ${EXTENSION} ${OBJECTS}

Folder structure:

phpcpp. a

I added PHP-CPP files to Mingw’s Include folder and the error is now this:

C:\Users\PedroSoares\Desktop\PHP\build_folder>mingw32-make.exe all
g++ -Wall -c -O2 -std=c++11 -fpic -o main.o main.cpp
main.cpp:1:0: warning: -fpic ignored for target (all code is position     independent) [enabled by default]
 #include <phpcpp.h>
In file included from c:\mingw\include\phpcpp.h:34:0,
             from main.cpp:1:
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:17:21: error: variable     'Php::PHPCPP_EXPORT Php::IniValue' has initializer but incomplete type
 class PHPCPP_EXPORT IniValue
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:19:1: error: expected primary-expression before 'public'
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:19:1: error: expected '}' before     'public'
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:19:1: error: expected ',' or ';' before 'public'
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:32:25: error: non-member function     'Php::operator int16_t()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     operator int16_t () const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:32:25: error: 'Php::operator int16_t()' must be a nonstatic member function
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:41:25: error: non-member function     'Php::operator int32_t()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     operator int32_t () const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:41:25: error: 'Php::operator int32_t()' must be a nonstatic member function
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:50:25: error: non-member function     'Php::operator int64_t()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     operator int64_t () const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:50:25: error: 'Php::operator int64_t()' must be a nonstatic member function
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:59:22: error: non-member function     'Php::operator bool()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     operator bool () const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:59:22: error: 'Php::operator bool()' must be a nonstatic member function
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:68:29: error: non-member function     'Php::operator std::string()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     operator std::string () const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:68:29: error: 'Php::operator     std::string()' must be a nonstatic member function
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:77:30: error: non-member function     'Php::operator const char*()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     operator const char * () const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:77:30: error: 'Php::operator const     char*()' must be a nonstatic member function
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:86:28: error: expected constructor,     destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
     operator double() const;
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:98:28: error: non-member function     'int64_t Php::numericValue()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     int64_t numericValue() const;
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:104:22: error: non-member function     'bool Php::boolValue()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     bool boolValue() const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:113:31: error: non-member function     'std::string Php::stringValue()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     std::string stringValue() const
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h: In function 'std::string     Php::stringValue()':
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:115:37: error: 'rawValue' was not     declared in this scope
         return std::string(rawValue());
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h: At global scope:
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:122:28: error: non-member function     'const char* Php::rawValue()' cannot have cv-qualifier
     const char *rawValue() const;
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:125:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'private'
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:147:1: error: 'PHPCPP_EXPORT' does not name a type
 PHPCPP_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const     IniValue &ini_val);
c:\mingw\include\phpcpp\inivalue.h:153:1: error: expected declaration     before '}' token
Makefile:21: recipe for target 'main.o' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [main.o] Error 1
  • How you are running the build command?

  • set PATH=%PATH%;C: Mingw bin; mingw32-make.exe

  • A Peter thing /etc/php5/conf.d is a linux and not windows way. You have to compile php-cpp and play . lib generated in the mingw folder (I can’t remember which folder, I think it was the /libs) and have to put the files. h from php-cpp (not from your project) in a folder that I don’t remember (sorry it’s been over a year since I used mingw :/)

  • the /etc/php5/conf. d line is only for installation, the problem is when compiling. I already added the extensions to the /lib folder, but I couldn’t find the other folder to put php-cpp source. Only with the files in the /lib folder makes no difference, the error persists.

  • Extensions you refer to .lib? In case I say that in libs/ folder there has to be a file called phpcpp.lib (I think it’s something like that), and there’s another folder (which I don’t remember the name) that has to be the phpcpp.h. I will try to install Mingw and compile phpcpp (install) and then try to create an extension.

  • the extension na is . lib, . o and .so. If you want I can post my PHP-CPP Makefile, because I have to modify many things to compile on Windows.

  • 1

    I don’t understand well, but I think you really don’t understand what I said, I’m not talking about the extension you’re creating but how to install the phpcpp along with mingw, what I mean is that you should compile the "installer" of phpcpp by mingw, so it will generate a file called phpcpp.lib, that file should go in the mingw folder along with the file phpcpp.h (each one in its respective folder) then ae yes you should try to compile the "its extension". What I mean, if it accuses that phpcpp is missing. h is because it is not in the mingw folder.

  • I did what I said, now comes the mistake that’s up there.

  • By error it seems that you forget some other file that comes with CPP. Have you downloaded PHPCPP compatible with which compiler? Or it is cross-Compiler?

  • He is cross-pilot.

  • I’ll do this, it may take a few days, but I’ll install Mingw and try to compile phpcpp. As soon as I get a feedback.

  • OK, thank you very much.

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