Calculate formatted input (mask)


Viewed 1,073 times


I have 2 inputs, quantity and value.

The input value is using the plugin Jquery Maskmoney

it is configured as follows:

    allowNegative: true,
    thousands: '.',
    decimal: ',',
    affixesStay: false

What makes your formatting look like this : 1,000.00

But my calculation is not able to calculate when it is in the thousands

var $valor = $('#Valor'),
    $quantidade = $('#Quantidade'),
    resultado = 0;

resultado = (parseFloat($valor.replace(",", ".")) * parseInt($quantidade));

1 answer


The library you use has the method .maskMoney('unmasked') to extract the value as float, that you can use to calculate the total.

  var valor = $('#valor');
  var quantidade = $('#quantidade');
  var total = $('#total');
  var valorTotal = 0;

    allowNegative: true,
    thousands: '.',
    decimal: ',',
    affixesStay: false
  .maskMoney('mask'); // aplicar máscara imediatamente
  valorTotal = valor.maskMoney('unmasked')[0] * parseInt(quantidade.val());
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="valor" class="money" value="1000.00"/>
<input type="text" id="quantidade" value="3"/>
<input type="text" id="total" class="money"/>

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