Netbeans 8.1, Gluon Project Android Error


Viewed 119 times


I have a problem and after two days of research and several attempts here I am waiting for you to help me.

I started using Netbeans 8.1 for the first steps in Java, everything was going well until I wanted to move on a bit and I was very interested in Javafx that with the Gluon plugin we can create a desktop and android application at the same time, with Gluon project I can’t run on Android, error:

Caused by: org.gradle.Internal.exceptions.Locationawareexception: ANDROID_HOME not specified. Either set it as a Gradle Property, a system Environment variable or directly in your build.Gradle by Setting the Extension

Caused by: org.gradle.api.Gradleexception: ANDROID_HOME not specified. Either set it as a Gradle Property, a system Environment variable or directly in your build.Gradle by Setting the Extension

I have seen several explanations for this error but none of them worked, so I decided to download the Helloworld project from Gluon itself, and when testing appears exactly the same error.

So I thought, I will create a root project for android, (with the nbandroid plugin), I created a simple project to present Bomdia, and when running it runs perfectly in the emulator...

Can someone help me? If further information is required, I am available. From now on, thank you.

1 answer


Dear Silvio, dear Silvio, Have you installed android sdk? If not, install. You can download through this page:

Then you need to create an environment variable called "ANDROID_HOME". If you are using Windows, Go to: Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > New. In the window that will open, where is "Variable name" put "ANDROID_HOME" and in "Variable value" put the path of sdk on your PC. See in the image below my example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Create a "default" Gluon project and test. I hope I helped.


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