Primefaces, button requires two clicks to perform action


Viewed 1,597 times


While executing the code below, I have to double click on the button so that the delete action happens I saw many with similar problems, but no effective solution:

<h:form id="TablePais"  prependId="false" >
        <p:dataTable id="tbPais" var="pais" value="#{beanPais.listagem}"  emptyMessage="Não há registros">
            <p:column headerText="Ações">
            <p:column headerText="Codigo">
                <h:outputText value="#{pais.cod}" />

            <p:column headerText="Nome:">
                <h:outputText value="#{pais.nome}" />
  • I had the same problem, what I had to do was put a global="false" on the button, so it does not let ajaxStatus activate before its activation. In my case, ajaxStatus was updating a field before executing the button.

2 answers


You are using ajax=false along with update, and that is wrong.

Update is to be used with ajax=true or you don’t even need to write the ajax attribute.

  • tried both ways and the problem persists

  • 1

    Exchange the update for 'Tablepais'


Good afternoon, could try using the attribute process="@this" and partialSubmit="true"? if the problem persists try only to test use the procedure as below:

Change your delete method to receive a parent object as a parameter to perform the exclusion.

    <p:commandButton id="deleteButton" icon="ui-icon-trash" actionListener="#
{beanPais.excluir(pais)}" update="tbPais" ajax="true" process="@this" partialSubmit="true" />

Method of class Beanpais:

public void excluir(SeuObjetoPais pais){
   //... Procedimentos de exclusão levando em conta o parametro enviado.

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