Generate boleto in php banco santander


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I’m in a tough spot. I have a simple web system where the shipments of the slips are generated by the supercash program of the santander bank and then the return of the titles are sent to my web system in a file . csv containing all the data of the slips.

In practice my system does not generate shipment of billets, just presents the layout for printing. I use the lib "" for banco santander, but there is a problem, the field our number in this lib has a limit that should be only 07 characters and the program santander supercash started to generate a field larger than this size.

$dadosboleto["nosso_numero"] = $infoBoleto->getNumero();  // Nosso numero sem o DV - REGRA: Máximo de 7 caracteres!

Result: The system stayed 2 months with the digit lines and barcode of the incorrect boletos and this being accessed by the users.

I did it this way because I found it easier since the system had no purpose to generate files of remittances/ return, not counting the homologation process that I still do not know how to do. Well the system worked well for 3 years, now began to give this problem.

Is there any way to generate the boleto (document) as in my case, just for printing? I already extract all the data from . csv just can’t assemble the barcode and digit line by itself. I was able to just follow the lib cited, but I see that it has a limitation.

If you can guide me if I’m making a mistake or some way so I can solve the problem I’ll be grateful.

  • Personal there is no other lib or tutorial recommendation to generate billet/barcode and digitable line presentation? Sorry to insist but my hands are tied, the "boletophp" is very outdated.

  • Have you tried Openboleto?

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