Keep chat chat chat chat feeds when switching to another page


Viewed 53 times


Good community.

I have a chat system, like fb. I’m using js, ajax and php. All right so far. It works. The only problem now is that I wanted to save the current chat Divs when switching pages.

How can I do?

1 answer


Well this is a big problem, I had a similar one only that in my case was an audio player, where I should change page without pause the sound, I searched a lot as FRAMES which has become obsolete in HTML5 and IFRAME which is still valid pro HTML5, you can start by these two depending on your need solve.

But for me the solution I found was to turn my whole system into DOM, ie each piece of the system viro a block that was loaded dynamically conforms the need and the player block was kept static.

In my case I created my own Javascript framework for this, alias Youtube uses a similar system, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but sometimes the video or the contents and comments exchange out of order, this is because it is made that way each part of the system is an independent block.

They released their framework a while ago, they call it SPF (Structured Page Fragments), if you want and want to use it follow the links:

Static: renders all
Estático renderiza tudo

Dynamic: only the element.
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Alias your doubt is like PHP but the correct would be HTML/Javascript. Anyway I hope I have given a light, how to start.

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