How to use method="GET'' without the action


Viewed 185 times


I’m creating a mini-search system, the problem is I want to use the method="get" without using the action="" and at the same time be able to css on the page without using the action. Desire to avoid the use of action for this reason:

being, what is this desire URL:

It’s the main thing to put something inside the get as design files, scripts and html, because when we run the method="get" it needs a file to play it on the page. But my case is to be able to put something inside the get without the action and leave the url without the file name.

If not possible, how to make the file name not appear in url, example:

Document visible at url:

Would you like to leave only the "? p=" or "Search? p=" or "p="
  • If your web server is apache vc you need to use mod_rewrite to have friendly url. After that you can use this url with get quietly, e.g.: <form action="" method="GET"> <input name="p">...

  • I don’t understand, what css has to do with action. The action is just the address that will point to request and css is something that goes in the header or body of the page, one has nothing to do with the other. Explain why you’re so confused.

1 answer


Just don’t use action="", use only <form method="get">.

That way you’ll stay, if you still want to have a friendlier url, you will need to use mod_rewrite.

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