Is there a package management system on the Moon?


Viewed 209 times


Many languages have package management system. This greatly facilitates the life of the programmer, making development more agile.

For example, in the Python we have the pip and the easy_install, in PHP times the pear and the composer.

  • And in the Lua? Is there such a system?

  • If yes, which are the most used?

2 answers


The language’s "default" package manager is Luarocks.

Luadist is also used by some, I don’t know if we can consider as package manager.


In addition to @Maniero’s reply

The LuaRocks allows you to create and install Lua modules as independent packages.

For those who use Linux operating system, the installation is very simple.

apt-get install luarocks

To install a package, you can do as follows:

luarocks install json-lua

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