I made an app with Ionic and runs perfectly using command ionic serve
. But when I try to run it in the browser it doesn’t work right, why this?
When running the app in the browser the following warning appears on the console:
Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected token < (index):1
And that’s just one of the problems. The login validation, for example, if I put a different login does not show the message I put "Invalid e-mail or password"! You are entering the app smoothly.
Are you using some Cordova plugin in the project? If it is only going to work on mobile even, in the browser some function will not be possible.
– André Vicente
As the friend André Vicente said, if you use some functions of Cordova it will only work if you are in a mobile environment and/ or emulating with Ionic serves. I have no idea how these frameworks can make calls to native functions, but I believe it’s through a [Javascriptinterface][1] that enables you to make these calls (I don’t know, it’s just a hunch), and if that’s right, this interface won’t exist in the web environment (as I said, it’s a hunch) [1]: http://developer.android.com/intl/pt-br/reference/android/webkit/JavascriptInterface.html
– Paulo Gustavo