I can’t log into Magento 1.9.2


Viewed 832 times


I have a problem in the Admin login page, enter the data to connect and nothing happens, I am not redirected, no error appears and the data is not even checked. It was working perfectly,but today mysql was not "startava" and I had to restore the folder data, which I found strange because it had not changed anything, the only thing different that I did was install Winhttrack.

2 answers


You restored the folder data mysql? Then you probably lost the data (I hope you have a backup). About not starting from mysql (which is what triggered the problem) instead of leaving by deleting things look in the log, but you need to enable the log first (How can I start and check my Mysql log?), access your folder ./bin (assuming it is windows) by cmd, something like:

cd C:\wwamp\mysql\bin

If you have backup of the folder ./data restore it at this time

Then type mysql cmd input and hit Enter. Then run this:

mysql> SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';

If it fails try to edit the file my.conf where is something like:

# The MySQL server
port        = 3306
socket      = /.tmp/mysql.sock
key_buffer_size = 16K
max_allowed_packet = 1M
table_open_cache = 4
sort_buffer_size = 64K
read_buffer_size = 256K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 256K
net_buffer_length = 2K
thread_stack = 128K
sync_binlog = 0

And add this:

general_log = 1

Check the task manager to see if you have any mysql process, finish them all (or restart Windows).

After this a log file will be generated in the folder ./data called mysql.log, check out the cause of the problem that had affected mysql startup.

  • Yes, I back up before any change and now it’s all ok, but thank you so much for using reply, I’ll surely know where to look if it happens again.


There are some factors that influence admin login, the most common is the path of the cookie in the database is incorrect.


UPDATE core_config_data set value "www.seudominio.com.br" where path = 'web/cookie/cookie_domain';

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