Authentication on Facebook with Javascript


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Hi, I’m having a little trouble studying Facebook Login by JS.

Testing the permissions, I went to my Facebook profile and withdrew the permission 'user_friends'. When entering the page again, it checks if I am logged in and checks the permissions. However, when redirecting to give this permission again, this does not appear in the login window, which turns white and automatically disappears.

I have tried several times and could not solve. Can help me?

File link:

  • Could you explain it a little better? How so "redirect to give this permission again"? What do you really want to do?

  • The code checks if the user is logged in. If so, it checks whether the permissions required for the app are granted by the user. When any of them are denied, it redirects to the login again, so that the user can grant this permission that is missing. Understood? =)

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