How to load a jQuery function when loading a page that uses JSF and Primefaces


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I am using a function to check if all checkbox are marked to load a registered already filled.

So I wanted to know how to call the function.

function selectAllCheckbox() {

  var booleanArray = new Array();
  var allCheckBox = $('input[id*="ufs"]');

  $(allCheckBox).each(function() {
      if ($(this).prop('checked') == true) {

  if (booleanArray.length == 27) {
      allCheckBox.last().prop('checked', true);

In this I check if all checkboxes are filled, if yes, I mark the checkbox all.

<p:selectManyCheckbox id="ufs" value="#{lojaBean.pojo.ufsInss}" layout="grid" columns="4" styleClass="columnLeft">
    <f:selectItems value="#{lojaBean.helper.estados}"/>
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Todos" itemValue=""/>
    <p:ajax event="change" onstart="selectAll(event)" update="ufs"/> 

I use another method selectAll(event) to select the button, select all. I would like when loading a page, it checks if all checkbox have been filled, but do not know how to call...

2 answers


I was able to do what I needed using the possibility that the system offers me.

When I do that <f:selectItem itemLabel="Todos" itemValue=""/> I pass on the list one String empty when I select this checkbox.

Before I save I try not to record in the bank this String empty.

private void removeNullValueFromArray(Pojo pojo) {

    List<String> listUf = pojo.getUfsInss();


When carrgar the page using the tag,

    <f:event listener="#{lojaBean.load}" type="preRenderView"/>

I call on the Bean the method load where I check if the list is filled in with the quantity considered to be full, and then I pass to the List add a String empty.

if (isTodosEstadosSelecionados()) {

And then it works!


Add a script to the file using the tag <h:outputScript> and normally add a Listener of the kind load jQuery:

$(function() {

Alternatively, just enter the Javascript code inline using a tag <script> on your facelet. See some examples here.

However, this will work if the full page is loaded. If it is only a partial update with AJAX, use the attribute oncomplete to perform something after the DOM update. Consider order of Primefaces events.

  • Man, I was in doubt because here’s the thing, let’s assume I use the oncomplete, there’s how I mark a checkbox using my function using this event?

  • @Macario1983 Yes. Your checkbox has to have the attribute widgetvar with some name. Then you can reference the field through Javascript by that name and use the function check() of the API Client Side. See the Primefaces User Guide for more details, as there you have the list of functions client of each component.

  • Because the thing is, I use the page inside another... It has a main page that contains the blocks of the others, as the top, middle and lower part. Ai on this page I already call the outputScript. And then the implemented pages enter the middle... Understand?

  • @Macario1983 It is not better to make this logic in your method ManagedBean? Loading the list into the method getEstados(), apply the code it defines true in the last item if all 27 are completed.

  • Man, I’ve tried this before, but how to do with the checkbox of selectItem is marked, but it didn’t work, you have any idea how?

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