Check if an element of an array is contained in each element of another array with php


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I have two arrays, I need to take each element of the second array and check if it is contained in any element of the first array using, for example, the strpos function().

I mean, I need to check if any string of the list 2 is contained in any URL list 1. Thanks in advance.

$ads = array();
$ads[0] = "";
$ads[1] = "";
$ads[2] = "";
$ads[3] = "";
$ads[4] = "";
$ads[5] = "";
$ads[6] = "";
$ads[7] = "";
$ads[8] = "";
$ads[9] = "";

	$filter_ads = array();
	$filter_ads[0] = "galid=";
	$filter_ads[1] = "gslid=";
	$filter_ads[2] = "ghlid=";
	$filter_ads[3] = "gplid=";
	$filter_ads[4] = "gulid=";
	$filter_ads[5] = "gllid=";
	$filter_ads[6] = "gklid=";
	$filter_ads[7] = "grlid=";
	$filter_ads[8] = "gwlid=";
	$filter_ads[9] = "gelid=";	

foreach($ads as $ads_x) {
    if (strpos($ads_x, in_array($filter_ads, $ads))) {
    	echo "Existe";

1 answer


Navigate the 2 arrays in search of an occurrence:

foreach ($ads as $link) {

    foreach ($filter_ads as $ads) {

        if (strpos($link, $ads)){
            echo "Achei aqui: <br />"
            . "Link: ". $link ." <br />"
            . "parametro: ". $ads ."<br /><br />";



You can still test these other 2 options, depending on your need they can solve. In 2 cases I transformed the link array into a large comma-separated string just to search for a filter occurrence:

So she will return 1 if she finds and 0 if she does not find:

foreach ($filter_ads as $filter) {
    echo preg_match("/". $filter ."/", implode(",", $ads));

So it will return to the position in which the occurrence is, if there is occurrence:

foreach ($filter_ads as $filter) {
    echo strpos(implode(",", $ads), $filter);

I hope I’ve helped!

  • PERFECT!!! Thanks Thomas Lima, very grateful for the help.

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