How to add a Foreign key to an already created table


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I’m a beginner in mysql and can’t add a fk to a table I created. I have two tables (person, object) and I want to create a 'fk_person' in object that receives the value of the 'id' attribute of person. Tables are already configured to use the Innodb engine. I have typed the following:

    ALTER TABLE objeto ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pessoa FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES pessoa (id);

So give me back this:

ERROR 1072 (42000): Key column 'id' doesn’t exist in table

I tried to follow the pattern of this video: "Creating Tables in Mysql 5 with Foreign Keys"

and also tried to follow the example of devmedia

My object table is like this:

    id_objeto int(4) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment  
    fk_pessoa int(4) NOT NULL

My person table looks like this:

    id int(4) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment

Thanks in advance

  • 1

    Does the id column exist in the object table? Post the structure of this ai table.

  • actually 'id' only exists in the person table I even changed the first parentheses with (fk_person) but it returns me another error saying: "Cannot add Foreign key Constraint"

  • See the answer below.

2 answers


You are trying to add a rule in a column that does not exist(see what the error is saying).

You must apply to constraint to an existing column of the same type of which it will be a foreign key.

The syntax of the command is:

ALTER TABLE nome-da-tabela ADD CONSTRAINT nome-da-constraint 
FOREIGN KEY(nome-da-coluna-local) REFERENCES nome-da-tabela-da-fk(coluna-fk)

Hence, the correct way you apply to constraint is:

ALTER TABLE objeto ADD CONSTRAINT id_fk_pessoa
FOREIGN KEY(fk_pessoa) REFERENCES pessoa (id);

But for it to be accepted, the columns must be identical. By the structure of the tables you posted, perhaps running alter table below before adding to constraint above, the error is no longer triggered:

alter table objeto modify fk_pessoa int(4)

If it still doesn’t work, as you don’t have data in both tables, it is easier you can erase the tables and recreate them again, already with the constraint right in the create table:

create table pessoa(
    id int(4) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment

create table objeto(
    id_objeto int(4) PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
    fk_pessoa int(4) NOT NULL,
    foreign key(fk_pessoa) references pessoa(id)
  • even doing exactly this way gives an error: ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add Foreign key Constraint

  • @Lucas_menchone j already has data in both tables?

  • No table is populated

  • @Lucas_menchone see the answer edition.

  • even creating again still gives the same error quoted above... I declared everything right, and at the end of its code I tried to add the Constraint too, still gives error...


Solved - The Primary key of the 'person' table was unsigned so there was a data type incompatibility. But I’ve been able to clear up a lot of misgivings about a foreign key, so thank you very much!

  • If it had created from scratch as I passed, it would also have solved, that unsigned error I had detected in soEN, so I suggested creating from scratch. But anyway, good that you found the problem and solved :)

  • 1

    I was breaking up to understand, then when I said about creating from scratch I thought it was just the table object and so I did, so the mistake really was I was hard-headed kkk, thank you very much for the support!

  • In fact, the code of the end of the answer creates the two tables for you already with the key foreygn in object kkk but it is part, the important is the learning you (and even I had also) had with the problem and how to fix it.

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