Isn’t Admob running at Unity?


Viewed 296 times


I imported the plugin as per admob’s website , plugin link

I used the following code for testing

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

public class GoogleMobileAdsDemoHandler : IInAppPurchaseHandler
    private readonly string[] validSkus = { "android.test.purchased" };

    //Will only be sent on a success.
    public void OnInAppPurchaseFinished(IInAppPurchaseResult result)
        GoogleMobileAdsDemoScript.OutputMessage = "Purchase Succeeded! Credit user here.";

    //Check SKU against valid SKUs.
    public bool IsValidPurchase(string sku)
        foreach(string validSku in validSkus) {
            if (sku == validSku) {
                return true;
        return false;

    //Return the app's public key.
    public string AndroidPublicKey
        //In a real app, return public key instead of null.
        get { return null; }

// Example script showing how to invoke the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin.
public class GoogleMobileAdsDemoScript : MonoBehaviour

    private BannerView bannerView;
    private InterstitialAd interstitial;
    private static string outputMessage = "";

    public static string OutputMessage
        set { outputMessage = value; }

    void OnGUI()
        // Puts some basic buttons onto the screen. = (int) (0.05f * Screen.height); = (int) (0.025f * Screen.height);

        Rect requestBannerRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.05f * Screen.height,
                                   0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(requestBannerRect, "Request Banner"))

        Rect showBannerRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.175f * Screen.height,
                                       0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(showBannerRect, "Show Banner"))

        Rect hideBannerRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.3f * Screen.height,
                                       0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(hideBannerRect, "Hide Banner"))

        Rect destroyBannerRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.425f * Screen.height,
                                          0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(destroyBannerRect, "Destroy Banner"))

        Rect requestInterstitialRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.55f * Screen.height,
                                                0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(requestInterstitialRect, "Request Interstitial"))

        Rect showInterstitialRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.675f * Screen.height,
                                             0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(showInterstitialRect, "Show Interstitial"))

        Rect destroyInterstitialRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.8f * Screen.height,
                                                0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height);
        if (GUI.Button(destroyInterstitialRect, "Destroy Interstitial"))

        Rect textOutputRect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.925f * Screen.height,
                                   0.8f * Screen.width, 0.05f * Screen.height);
        GUI.Label(textOutputRect, outputMessage);

    private void RequestBanner()
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            string adUnitId = "unused";
        #elif UNITY_ANDROID
            string adUnitId = "INSERT_ANDROID_BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";
        #elif UNITY_IPHONE
            string adUnitId = "INSERT_IOS_BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";
            string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";

        // Create a 320x50 banner at the top of the screen.
        bannerView = new BannerView(adUnitId, AdSize.SmartBanner, AdPosition.Top);
        // Register for ad events.
        bannerView.AdLoaded += HandleAdLoaded;
        bannerView.AdFailedToLoad += HandleAdFailedToLoad;
        bannerView.AdOpened += HandleAdOpened;
        bannerView.AdClosing += HandleAdClosing;
        bannerView.AdClosed += HandleAdClosed;
        bannerView.AdLeftApplication += HandleAdLeftApplication;
        // Load a banner ad.

    private void RequestInterstitial()
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            string adUnitId = "unused";
        #elif UNITY_ANDROID
        #elif UNITY_IPHONE
            string adUnitId = "INSERT_IOS_INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";
            string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";

        // Create an interstitial.
        interstitial = new InterstitialAd(adUnitId);
        // Register for ad events.
        interstitial.AdLoaded += HandleInterstitialLoaded;
        interstitial.AdFailedToLoad += HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad;
        interstitial.AdOpened += HandleInterstitialOpened;
        interstitial.AdClosing += HandleInterstitialClosing;
        interstitial.AdClosed += HandleInterstitialClosed;
        interstitial.AdLeftApplication += HandleInterstitialLeftApplication;
        GoogleMobileAdsDemoHandler handler = new GoogleMobileAdsDemoHandler();
        // Load an interstitial ad.

    // Returns an ad request with custom ad targeting.
    private AdRequest createAdRequest()
        return new AdRequest.Builder()
                .SetBirthday(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1))
                .AddExtra("color_bg", "9B30FF")


    private void ShowInterstitial()
        if (interstitial.IsLoaded())
            print("Interstitial is not ready yet.");

    #region Banner callback handlers

    public void HandleAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleAdLoaded event received.");

    public void HandleAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)
        print("HandleFailedToReceiveAd event received with message: " + args.Message);

    public void HandleAdOpened(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleAdOpened event received");

    void HandleAdClosing(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleAdClosing event received");

    public void HandleAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleAdClosed event received");

    public void HandleAdLeftApplication(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleAdLeftApplication event received");


    #region Interstitial callback handlers

    public void HandleInterstitialLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleInterstitialLoaded event received.");

    public void HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)
        print("HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad event received with message: " + args.Message);

    public void HandleInterstitialOpened(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleInterstitialOpened event received");

    void HandleInterstitialClosing(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleInterstitialClosing event received");

    public void HandleInterstitialClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleInterstitialClosed event received");

    public void HandleInterstitialLeftApplication(object sender, EventArgs args)
        print("HandleInterstitialLeftApplication event received");


It simply does not work in the emulator to request the advertisement it closes already on the physical device does not close but nothing happens.

emulator looks like this

  • Let’s look for the problem. First, use a valid Ad Unit, the ad Unit ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111 is specific to testing and works before publishing the app (a "hot" ad Unit needs to be linked to an already published app). I really don’t know if this works on the emulator, which is notoriously problematic with Admob, I don’t even waste time with it. You have how to share a project Zip somewhere to upload here?

  • @epx I tested as valid key, only I took, well follow the project link you create to test ads

  • The only major difference that I saw was that I use a timer a few seconds before I start creating the ad, because creating as soon as I lift the UI tends to suck (the app is not in a state 100% loaded). I will pass in private a link with my project whose interstitial worked until it is taken from the market.

  • Well, there doesn’t seem to be a private msg mechanism in the OS (I really didn’t know) so download and let us know when you’ve done it to invalidate it.

  • @epx not understood, download the example is to implement the ad in it and test is this?

  • Yes how it worked for me should work for you, otherwise the problem tends to be in ad Unit, not in code.

  • @epx unsuccessfully if you can send me one with admob already configured only I put another key .

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