error with managedObjectContext


Viewed 33 times


I added a CoreData in my project Model.xcdatamodeld and would like to know why when I make the call from managedObjectContext says the class doesn’t exist?

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  • What mistake the Xcode is pointing at the line?

  • Good morning Luis Henrique, the error is Value of type appDelegate has no Member 'managedObjectContext'

  • perhaps it is because at the beginning of the application I did not mark that would use a coredata, I wonder if after the semi-ready application would have how to put

  • It is possible to add Coredata later yes, however you have to add the Coredata framework, and create the required methods in the Appdelegate class (this process it does by itself when you create a project from scratch)

  • Take a look at this article, it should help you:

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