Amadeus session error with cakephp


Viewed 84 times


First of all, I want to make it clear that I know the documentation is private. I have the documentation in hand, I followed everything right, but the Amadeus keeps giving this error:

17|Session|No Agreement on Destination

My method in Client.php is asism:

public function pnrCancel($pnr_id){
    $params = array();        
    $params['PNR_Cancel']['pnrActions']['optionCode'] = 10;        
    $params['PNR_Cancel']['cancelElements']['entryType'] = 'I';  
    $params['PNR_Cancel']['reservationInfo']['reservation'] = $pnr_id; 

    $this->_data = $this->_client->__soapCall('PNR_Cancel', $params, null,
        $this->getHeaderSession(), $this->_headers);  

    $this->debugDump($params, $this->_data);

And my action is like this:

public function deletePnr($pnr){        
     $ws = new Client(__DIR__ . DS . '..' . DS . 'wsdl' . DS . '1ASIWIOPIEM_PDT_20140828_132845.wsdl', false);
        $ws->securityAuthenticate('xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx=', lenght, 'xxx');
        $pnrXml = $ws->getXml();

I’ve done everything, but insists on giving this error of Session, all my other pnr functions work normally.

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