register new users using Ionic and parse


Viewed 44 times


I’m working on a hybrid app using Ionic and parse.

When I go to the terminal and use the command ionic serve, and then try to create a new user or login, I can with no problem, IE, the localhost is working.

The problem is that when I build pro android and test on mobile, I can not login or register new users.

Can anyone tell me why?

Thank you!

1 answer


The best thing to do is to climb the Ionic in debug mode and you access by mobile, will be possible you see the logs in the console.

ionic run --consolelogs --serverlogs

In the pro backend calls puts some "Alert" in success and error, will make it easy enough.

I’ve had some problems with this, but I was using another framework, and it was permissions issues set up in my backend.

  • Thanks! I’ll try that.

  • I was able to solve the problem, vlw by the help. In my case, I was calling a script hosted on I just needed to download the script and add it with the other js files.

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